Monday, July 2, 2012

For July 8, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
July 8, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 14:8-18

Sermon title: “Good News” and “Earnest Counsel”

Opening Hymn Psalm 150
Preparation Hymn 486 God, Be Merciful to Me
Response Hymn 246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name
Closing Hymn 465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 27:9

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 14:8-18

Tuesday: 2 Kings 15:1-22

Wednesday: 2 Kings 15:23-38

Thursday: Proverbs 27:9

Friday: Matthew 22:39

Saturday: Acts 14

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 15
Glorious Lord, what can Your people do in a time of great instability and trouble? Some face challenges of health that are very difficult to bear. Others face sins that so easily ensnare them, and they are useless as leaders among those they must help. Many face the attacks of evil men, who conspire against them. Still others have their families destroyed by wicked adversaries. There is trouble within us because of our sin, and there is trouble outside us because of our enemies. Where will we find the strength to remember Your Law and obey it? Your Son was born in an evil generation. He faced a grave challenge from the devil. Leaders stood against Him, and rulers of the Gentiles were willing to see Him suffer. Yet He secured our eternal hope. Thank You that we can rest in Him, though we are facing trouble from every direction.

Proverbs 27
Lord God, You know the beginning from the end. We trust You. We marvel at the perfect wisdom of Your Son. Every impulse and detail of His heart and life was perfect. He related perfectly in all family relationships. He discerned every right opportunity for friendship and service. The heart of our Savior was perfect, just as the Man Himself was perfect. His glory will last forever. His righteousness is eternal. In Him we have a secure hope and a future of grace and truth. Grant to us the mind of Christ even now, so that we might serve You rightly.

Acts 14
Our Father, Your missionaries are serving in all kinds of places throughout the world. As the apostle went not only to established places of worship, but also spoke in public places where people had very little knowledge of Your Word, Your servants even today serve in a variety of settings. We pray that You would provide them with every resource necessary for their effective proclamation of Your great works of creation, providence, and redemption. We pray that You would grant all these brothers clarity, energy, health, and especially spiritual strength in the midst of much weakness. We commend them to Your grace. Use their ministry in a powerful way, and grant an open door in many places where the Word has never before been heard.