Sunday, August 28, 2011

For September 4, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

September 4, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 7:44-50

Sermon title: “Listening to Stephen Preach About the Temple”


Opening – 12 Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim

Preparation – 377 Jesus, Where'er Your People Meet

Response – 647 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds

Closing – 305 Arise, My Soul, Arise

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

OT Reading: Isaiah 66:1-2

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 7

Tuesday: 2 Samuel 19:1-15

Wednesday: 2 Samuel 19:16-43

Thursday: Isaiah 66

Friday: Exodus 20:15

Saturday: Acts 7

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Samuel 19

Father God, we mourn over the sin and misery that we face in this world. Help us to understand the limits of our grieving, for we do not want to add sin to sin. Grant to us a clear understanding of how we can move forward in Your service when it would appear that our former life is gone because of some challenging loss. Remind us of our identity in our Savior and King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Show us that Your Son is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In Him we have stability. There is no loss so great that it could take us away from Your great love. May we live in a day of life and joy in Christ. Make us agents of abundant mercy through Him. Restore those who have fallen. Grant to us repentance. Give us the right words to speak in Your presence, that we might remember the security and blessing that we have in Your promises. As we grow in age, help us to look for our hope in a city yet to come. Bring the young along in the tasks that You have for them in Your kingdom, and grant rest to Your servants who have served You for many years. You know how to build Your kingdom, how to use those who are vigorous and young, and how to give rest and joy to those who are weary.

Isaiah 66

O Lord, it is amazing that You would care for us. Your Son came in humility and trembled at Your Word. His perfect heart of worship moved toward You continually in sincere devotion and obedience. This He did for our sake. We shall not be put to shame. We look for the sound in the heavens of Your Son’s return in glory. Bring forth Your holy nation. May Your Kingdom come, O God. We rejoice with the Jerusalem that is above. Bring peace to her like a river. Bring joy that we have almost forgotten in the day of trouble. Show forth Your mercy to us. Grant to us a taste of Your perfect peace even today. You know the works and thoughts of Christ which have been credited to our account. Use us today to declare Your glory among the nations. Draw all Your people to Your holy mountain, that we might gather together in Your house in the new heavens and the new earth. We worship You, O sovereign Lord.

Acts 7

Our Father, grant that we would rightly appreciate the privilege of suffering for the name of Jesus Christ. Without this true assessment of our trials, we will always shrink away from a forthright statement of Your Word in situations of danger. You have sent one Man who would truly keep Your perfect Law. Through His death and resurrection He became the cornerstone of a new spiritual temple, Your church throughout the world. All of the patriarchs and heroes of the faith in earlier days longed for this day of the Messiah. Now He has actually visited us. This Jesus did all things well. He has poured out Your Holy Spirit upon Your church. We love the Law of Christ. We rejoice in the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We long for the fulfillment of Your promise in the age to come, in the land of Resurrection. We love the Word of the Prophets which has now come in person in the great beauty of our Messiah. He is the perfect Son of David, and He has built a new house for His people in His own world-wide body. We will not resist the Holy Spirit. We will love and serve the Righteous One. Teach us the truth about our sin, that we might more fully and earnestly repent of it and be forgiven. Though men might work together to kill us, Your truth can never be stopped. Grant us such a beauty of holiness and love that we would be willing to forgive those who seek our destruction.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

For August 28, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

August 28, 2011

Preaching: Nathan Snyder

Sermon text: Ephesians 4:7-16

Sermon title: “Called to Maturity”


Opening – White #1 Give Praise to God

Preparation – 301 Join All the Glorious Names

Response – 529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Closing – 580 Lead On, O King Eternal

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

OT Reading: Psalm 68:20-35

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Ephesians 4

Tuesday: 2 Samuel 18:1-18

Wednesday: 2 Samuel 18:19-33

Thursday: Psalm 68

Friday: Exodus 20:14

Saturday: Ephesians 4

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Samuel 18

Glorious Lord, Your forces of Kingdom love move forward under the banner of Jesus Christ. Your Son, our Commander, is safe in the heavens. He is beyond the reach of evil foes. He is watching and ruling over all. Attacks upon us are considered to be a strike against Your Son, and though we seem to fall, no one can stop our King. He has a heart for those He knows to be sons of God by adoption. Help us to consider the end of the way of wickedness carefully and to turn from all evil. Father, what a sad day it is when a child is dead. There is no joy, even though the son be an Absalom who aimed to destroy the king and to seize the kingdom. Your heart for the most troubled of Your children longs to see each young one live. You are powerful to save. Answer the longing hearts of mothers and fathers who cry out to You for their sons and daughters. Bring them good news of hope in the darkest night.

Psalm 68

Our Father, there are enemies who would threaten the safety of Your family. What will You do, Father? You are the Protector and Defender of Your people. No matter how desperate our condition may seem, You will bring us the exact help that we need. Speak, Lord, for Your servants listen. Send forth Your men and women to speak of Your glory. There is no one like You, for You are a towering mountain over everything that You have created. Make us to dwell with men and angels who will praise You forever. You have brought us back from the depths of disaster. You will surely judge the wicked. We have a hope of the greatest eternal celebration because of our Messiah, Your Son. We bring our gifts to You. We have been freed from the chains of men, and we sing with joy as we walk in Your Spirit. Grant us power today for the praise of Your glory.

Ephesians 4

Lord God, we thank You for the blessing of Your church. We are together in Christ, and united in our enjoyment of all that Christ has for the church. Though we have a variety of gifts, we rejoice in You, our one Lord. Help us to grow together in Christ through the ministry of pastors and teachers who bring us the Word day by day. Grant us willingness to use the gifts that You have given us, not for the service of our own foolish pride, but to serve You and one another. We put on the new man in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We hate the works of the devil and the filth of corruption that battles for ascendancy within us. Bring relief to those who are in pain and trouble today, for we care for one another and forgive each other, as members together of one body.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

For August 21, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

August 21, 2011

Preaching: Nathan Snyder

Sermon text: Ephesians 4:7-16

Sermon title: “Called to Ministry”


Opening – 19 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord!

Preparation – White #2 How Marvelous, How Wise, ...

Response – 342 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Closing – 469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

OT Reading: Psalm 68:1-19

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Ephesians 4

Tuesday: 2 Samuel 17:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Samuel 17:15-29

Thursday: Psalm 68

Friday: Exodus 20:13

Saturday: Ephesians 4

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Samuel 15

Omnipotent God, we seek Your help today, for conspiracy against Your church seems to be everywhere. False rulers captivate the gullible. They steal the hearts of Your people. They plot with evil schemes. We play our parts with no sense of the danger that is ahead of us. Whole churches are attacked from deceitful enemies, and the work of many years is destroyed in a matter of days. These are times of trouble in Your kingdom. Faithful leaders are made to look like weak men who cannot be safely loved. Ruthless men amass great power for themselves and foolish men and women consider the wicked to be the hope of the future. Has Your church lost all sense? Is Christ not among us? How can we listen to lies? People deny the most foundational truths of our faith, and show disrespect for men of holiness and proven sincerity. In such an evil day, grant to us clear thinking. When we hear the plans of deceivers, make us wise in both our speech and our silence. Let us love the truth with a faithful heart, and serve Your Son in the day of a great apostasy all around us.

Psalm 90

Eternal Father, in You we live and move and have our being. We are here for a season and then return to dust, but from the dust You call us back to life. Who can stand before You? You know all our secret sins. We live for our seventy or eighty years, and then we are gone. Have pity on us. Help us to rejoice in You forever, so that we will consider our current troubles a light affliction when compared with the glory that will soon be our life and portion without end.

Acts 7

Our Father, grant that we would rightly appreciate the privilege of suffering for the name of Jesus Christ. Without this true assessment of our trials, we will always shrink away from a forthright statement of Your Word in situations of danger. You have sent one Man who would truly keep Your perfect Law. Through His death and resurrection He became the cornerstone of a new spiritual temple, Your church throughout the world. All of the patriarchs and heroes of the faith in earlier days longed for this day of the Messiah. Now He has actually visited us. This Jesus did all things well. He has poured out Your Holy Spirit upon Your church. We love the Law of Christ. We rejoice in the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We long for the fulfillment of Your promise in the age to come, in the land of Resurrection. We love the Word of the Prophets which has now come in person in the great beauty of our Messiah. He is the perfect Son of David, and He has built a new house for His people in His own world-wide body. We will not resist the Holy Spirit. We will love and serve the Righteous One. Teach us the truth about our sin, that we might more fully and earnestly repent of it and be forgiven. Though men might work together to kill us, Your truth can never be stopped. Grant us such a beauty of holiness and love that we would be willing to forgive those who seek our destruction.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

For August 14, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

August 14, 2011

Preaching: Nathan Snyder

Sermon text: Ephesians 4:1-6

Sermon title: “Called to Unity”


Opening – Psalm 147

Preparation – 335 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me

Response – 642 Be Thou My Vision

Closing – 355 We Are God's People

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

OT Reading: Psalm 91

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Ephesians 4

Tuesday: 2 Samuel 16:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Samuel 16:15-23

Thursday: Psalm 91

Friday: Exodus 20:12

Saturday: Ephesians 4

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Samuel 16

Our Father, even those who come with gifts in their hands are not always speaking the full truth. We do not know what is in the hearts of men as Your Son did. How can we be safe in the face of the curses of the wicked and the lies of supposed friends? Help us to trust You, for You are working Your sovereign will and accomplishing Your deep and holy purposes despite the troubles that surround us. Though men throw stones, fling dust in our faces, and speak insulting lies against us, You are God. You are able to defend Your Name and to protect Your sons and daughters. Our hope is in Your Word.

Psalm 91

Strong Deliverer, You are our refuge and our fortress in the most horrible danger. You are so faithful, O God. Even if we die, we shall live. We will see Your great deliverance with our own eyes. We will see angels, who help us in a day of trouble. You have spoken great promises to us in Christ. What a blessing it is to live in the light of His glorious resurrection!

Ephesians 4

Lord God, we thank You for the blessing of Your church. We are together in Christ, and united in our enjoyment of all that Christ has for the church. Though we have a variety of gifts, we rejoice in You, our one Lord. Help us to grow together in Christ through the ministry of pastors and teachers who bring us the Word day by day. Grant us willingness to use the gifts that You have given us, not for the service of our own foolish pride, but to serve You and one another. We put on the new man in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We hate the works of the devil and the filth of corruption that battles for ascendancy within us. Bring relief to those who are in pain and trouble today, for we care for one another and forgive each other, as members together of one body.