Monday, April 30, 2012

For May 6, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
May 6, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 12:1-24

Sermon title: “The Voice of God and Your Liberty in Christ”

Opening Hymn 38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Preparation Hymn Psalm 13
Response Hymn 169 My Heart Does Overflow
Closing Hymn 691 It Is Well with My Soul

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 141

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 12:1-24

Tuesday: 2 Kings 6:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Kings 6:15-33

Thursday: Psalm 141

Friday: Exodus 20:8-11

Saturday: Acts 12

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
2 Kings 6
Lord God, Your servants have followed You for generations. You have provided for their needs. Requests that may seem trivial to us are not beyond Your concern. We worry that we are troubling You with petitions that are too unimportant. Correct our foolish thinking. You are not limited as we are. Your attention to a small matter does not distract You from more important concerns. You command us to cast our cares upon You. We will obey You, O Lord. Help us to see something of Your power in the daily events of our lives. Help us also to bring our largest petitions to You. It seems too big a thing for us to be delivered from overwhelming trouble. Bring our restless spirits to Your holy place, that we might rejoice in Your presence. Relieve us of sinful and fruitless plans, and bring us safely home. Will You feed the hungry when it seems that there is no hope of food? What kind of unspeakable wickedness would we be part of in the day of our distress? We will wait for You, O Lord. We believe that You hear our prayers.

Psalm 141
Father God, there is great help for us when we remember to call upon Your Name. You can tame our tongues and calm our restless hearts. You can turn away our foolish gluttony and covetousness. You can give us words of wisdom that are appropriate for every occasion. Our sin would be our downfall, but You protect Your people from the traps of the evil one, and bring us to a place of perfect safety.

Acts 12
Lord of Glory, in this age there are many who would lay violent hands upon Your church. We mourn this sin, yet we know that You are working wonderful miracles of grace even through the suffering that we face. We offer up to You earnest prayers for our brothers and sisters in prison. Send Your angels to rescue many who are in great need because of one tribulation or another. Restore all of Your people to the assembly of those who gather in Your presence for worship. Give us a clear and balanced mind so that we can continue to serve You for as many days as You see fit. This age will one day come to an end, and much that is confusing to us today will be brought to light through the radiance of Your Son’s appearing. We long for His return and for the dawning of a very new day in the fullness of Your great glory.

Monday, April 23, 2012

For April 29, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
April 29, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 11:27-30

Sermon title: “Blessings from the Nations – The First Payment”

Opening Hymn White 1 Give Praise to God
Preparation Hymn 141 God, in the Gospel of His Son
Response Hymn 644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Closing Hymn 585 Take My Life, and Let It Be

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Isaiah 61:1-7

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 11:27-30

Tuesday: 2 Kings 5:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Kings 5:15-27

Thursday: Isaiah 61:1-7

Friday: Exodus 20:7

Saturday: Acts 11

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 5
Father God, Your plans of mercy have gone far beyond the borders of Israel. Your people, scattered throughout the earth, cannot help but testify to the glory of Your Name. Those who do not know Your grace and power can only fear men, but we have come to know You. There is a great prophet in the heavenly Jerusalem. By His Word the leper was healed. We have hope in Him. You have washed us in the fresh water of the Holy Spirit. You have sprinkled us with the blood of Christ. We are clean. One day we shall be whole. Until that day, help us to worship You in Spirit and in truth. You see our secret deeds of fleshly greed. You know even the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. We bring such trouble upon ourselves because of our rebellion against You. Forgive us, Father. May our hope of eternal life be strong because of the perfect righteousness of Your Son.

Isaiah 61
O Spirit of the Living God who so filled our great Messiah, we ask that You would fill us, that we might follow this great Man of Blessing. You have fed us and healed us. You use us to rebuild what sin has destroyed. We are priests to You, O God, and we rejoice in You, for You are our portion. You hate injustice, and will keep it far from us on the day of our deliverance, for we are Your blessed offspring. We have been covered with the righteous robes of Your Son. We live and grow in You, O God.

Acts 11
Father God, thank You for the great wonder of the message of Christ, which is now coming to all the nations. Thank You that the Messiah of the Jews is the Messiah for the whole world. You have made men in Your image, and we have learned that we should not treat any man as common or unclean. We thank You for the great blessing of the gift of Your Holy Spirit. You have granted even the Gentiles the gift of repentance that leads to life. The task yet ahead of us is large, for the gospel must be preached to all nations. Please bless us with energy, clarity, and diligence that we might rightly serve Jesus Christ. Use all of Your great acts of providence to bring glory to Your Name, as the Word of Your Son is brought to every land.

Monday, April 16, 2012

For April 22, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
April 22, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 11:19-26

Sermon title: “Behold How Good and How Pleasant It Is!”

Opening Hymn 19 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord!
Preparation Hymn 301 Join All the Glorious Names
Response Hymn 646 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Closing Hymn 263 Lift High the Cross

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 133

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 11:19-26

Tuesday: 2 Kings 4:1-17

Wednesday: 2 Kings 4:18-44

Thursday: Psalm 133

Friday: Exodus 20:4-6

Saturday: Acts 11

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 4
Merciful Lord, many of Your servants are in the most desperate condition. We are poor, sick, alone, and fearful. Grant us faith. We can do all things through Your Son who strengthens us. You will surely provide for Your church in the day of trouble. You grant wonderful gifts to us. It is by Your power that life is given, and it is by Your power that life is taken away. Will there be help for us in a day of the saddest loss? Please remind us of the fact of resurrection. In this world, all is not well. Your people are in bitter distress. Come to us in this horrible moment, that we might believe. We long for that day when each one that You have given to us will live again. Surely such good gifts as we have received for a time have been given to us for some wonderful purpose. Surely there is hope with you. You will glorify Your Name. We trust You, O God. Have mercy upon us. Give food to the hungry this day, O Lord. Grant us Your Son, the great Bread of heaven, that we might live, though we grieve.

Psalm 133
Great Lord, it is a joy to be together with our brothers as we serve You in peace. We are Your people. You have given us the oil of gladness. Our security in Christ will never be taken away.

Acts 11
Father God, thank You for the great wonder of the message of Christ, which is now coming to all the nations. Thank You that the Messiah of the Jews is the Messiah for the whole world. You have made men in Your image, and we have learned that we should not treat any man as common or unclean. We thank You for the great blessing of the gift of Your Holy Spirit. You have granted even the Gentiles the gift of repentance that leads to life. The task yet ahead of us is large, for the gospel must be preached to all nations. Please bless us with energy, clarity, and diligence that we might rightly serve Jesus Christ. Use all of Your great acts of providence to bring glory to Your Name, as the Word of Your Son is brought to every land.

Monday, April 9, 2012

For April 15, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
April 15, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 11:1-18

Sermon title: “Adventure at Caesarea” (completed)

Opening Hymn 168 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art
Preparation Hymn 181 We Come, O Christ, to You
Response Hymn 535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus!
Closing Hymn 474 Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow!

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Exodus 17:1-7

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 11:1-18

Tuesday: 2 Kings 3:1-12

Wednesday: 2 Kings 3:13-27

Thursday: Exodus 17:1-7

Friday: Exodus 20:1-3

Saturday: Acts 11

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 3
Glorious God, You work out Your holy will according to Your plan. You rule over the affairs of men and nations. You see Your church in our weak condition, and provide for us servants who will speak Your Word in truth. Help us to turn away from false spiritual paths. Grant us the blessing of Your presence. Be a stream of living water to Your people, for we thirst for You, the true God. We hate our sin. Please forgive us. We need You. The battle before us is fierce. Idolatrous men perform extreme acts of devotion to things that are not gods. Will Your people not live in accord with Your true commandments? Will we not offer up our lives to You?
Acts 11
Father God, thank You for the great wonder of the message of Christ, which is now coming to all the nations. Thank You that the Messiah of the Jews is the Messiah for the whole world. You have made men in Your image, and we have learned that we should not treat any man as common or unclean. We thank You for the great blessing of the gift of Your Holy Spirit. You have granted even the Gentiles the gift of repentance that leads to life. The task yet ahead of us is large, for the gospel must be preached to all nations. Please bless us with energy, clarity, and diligence that we might rightly serve Jesus Christ. Use all of Your great acts of providence to bring glory to Your Name, as the Word of Your Son is brought to every land.
Exodus 17
Redeemer King, we follow You. You supply us water for our bodies and the cleansing fountain of Your Spirit for our souls that we might live. That water from above comes from our Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ, for He has poured out His Spirit upon the church. The hand of our holy Savior is never weary, therefore we will not be destroyed by our enemies. You are the banner over Your church, and You will vindicate Your righteousness and goodness in the sight of all peoples.

Monday, April 2, 2012

For April 8, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
April 8, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Luke 24:13-35

Sermon title: “Redeemer”

Opening Hymn 277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Preparation Hymn 274 Thine Be the Glory
Response Hymn 286 Worship Christ, the Risen King!
Closing Hymn 295 Crown Him with Many Crowns

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Genesis 22:1-14

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Luke 24:13-35

Tuesday: Psalm 22

Wednesday: Psalm 16

Thursday: Genesis 22:1-14

Friday: Matthew 22:39

Saturday: Luke 24

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Psalm 16
O God, You are our strong hope. We thank You for Your church. We are together in Christ. We will not follow other gods. You are our portion. Our inheritance is beautiful. You are with us and our hearts are glad. You have heard the prayer of Your Holy Son. We have eternal pleasures at Your right hand forevermore.

Genesis 22
Lord God, You tested Abraham. You gave him a child. That child was Yours, just as Abraham was Yours. You asked Him to sacrifice his only son, this child of the promise, Isaac. He reasoned that You would provide a substitute for his son, and that You could raise the dead. You held him back from slaughtering the boy, yet he proved that he feared You and loved You above all. May we also fear You, and entrust our children to You. For Your Son is the great provision for our salvation. He has taken our place and faced Your wrath, and He has surely risen from the dead. In Him the earth shall be blessed. In Him we have a perfect hope.

Luke 24
Sovereign Lord, the stone, the guards, and the seal could not keep Your Son in the grave. He is risen! Thank You for the faithful testimony that we have to the truth of this wonderful event. What marvelous things took place in Jerusalem at that time. Your Son was condemned to death and crucified. On the third day He rose again. This was all according to the Word of the Prophets. Christ suffered and entered into His glory. Now we see and confess that all of the Scriptures teach us about the great things of Jesus. May Your Son be known to us by Word and sacrament. Grant that we too will partake of the promised resurrection. Cast far away from us all doubt concerning the events recorded in Your holy Word. Everything written in all of the books of the Bible must be fulfilled. Now Your Son has ascended into heaven, and we are blessed with the great gift of Your Holy Spirit poured out upon Your church. Strengthen us by faith as we seek Your help day by day.