Monday, June 25, 2012

For July 1, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
July 1, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 14:1-7

Sermon title: They continued to preach the gospel.

Opening Hymn 7 From All That Dwells below the Skies
Preparation Hymn 529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Response Hymn 559 Father I Know That All My Life
Closing Hymn 469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 23:17

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 14:1-7

Tuesday: 2 Kings 14:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Kings 14:15-29

Thursday: Proverbs 23:17

Friday: Matthew 22:37

Saturday: Acts 14

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 14
Our Father, our lives are short. How will we use the strength that You have given to us? Will we serve our own immediate needs, or will we be engaged in the battle that is ours this day? Will we be so captivated by the wonders of this world that we forget the blessing of the world to come? The day comes when even the best men die. We need something more than money, possessions, and power. All these thing swiftly flee far away from us. We need eternal life. Watch over us as we serve You in strange places where Your Name is not held in high regard. Keep us from doing what is evil in Your sight, and make us faithful to the light that we have already received. There must be some victory for Your Name beyond that which can be won with the weapons of this world. Lead us in righteousness, O Lord.

Proverbs 23
Lord of Glory, forgive us for our many follies. Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we should do it all for Your glory. We must hear Your instruction and apply our hearts to the truth. What do we say? How do we bring up our children? How do we work, and what is our way of having fun? In all of these things we need Your wisdom. We long for the health, safety, and fruitfulness of future generations. Drowning ourselves in wine will never solve our problems. It will do us no good to pretend that we are stronger than we really are. You are God, and we are not. Our lives and the lives of our descendants are surely in Your hands.

Acts 14
Our Father, Your missionaries are serving in all kinds of places throughout the world. As the apostle went not only to established places of worship, but also spoke in public places where people had very little knowledge of Your Word, Your servants even today serve in a variety of settings. We pray that You would provide them with every resource necessary for their effective proclamation of Your great works of creation, providence, and redemption. We pray that You would grant all these brothers clarity, energy, health, and especially spiritual strength in the midst of much weakness. We commend them to Your grace. Use their ministry in a powerful way, and grant an open door in many places where the Word has never before been heard.