Sunday, January 22, 2012

For January 29, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
January 29, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:19-22

Sermon title: “Jesus the Son of God, Jesus the Christ”

Opening Hymn 76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Preparation 242 Not All the Blood of Beasts
Response 166 Wondrous King, All-Glorious
Closing 455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 85

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:19-22

Tuesday: 1 Kings 15:1-15

Wednesday: 1 Kings 15:16-34

Thursday: Psalm 85

Friday: Exodus 20:7

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 15
Lord God, You have given Your people kings, yet some of these rulers did not truly follow You. By Your kind provision, we have the greatest of all kings in Your Son Jesus Christ. He will reign in perfect holiness forever. As we consider His intentions and actions, there is no point that requires any correction or exception. He is pure in everything. Thank You for His wisdom and His great generosity toward us. Lord, You have made a covenant with Your Son that shall never be broken. We are greatly blessed through this eternal covenant, because we have been united to Jesus, our King. Through this covenant we have a sure eternal hope. In the world and even in the church we understand that there are many who would lead in an evil way. Carry us through this age as those who belong to the age to come. This age is full of intrigue and war, but in the age to come we will know the most wonderful peace forever.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Psalm 85
Sovereign Lord, You have been so kind to us. We have the fullness of forgiveness in Christ. Please revive us again. Speak peace to us through Your Word. May we have growth in holiness that could only come from You. Your Son is the King of Righteousness. We trust in Him.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

For January 22, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
January 22, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:17-19

Sermon title: “My thoughts are not your thoughts”

Opening Hymn 101 Come, Thou Almighty King
Preparation 140 O Word of God Incarnate
Response 461 Not What My Hands Have Done
Closing 500 Rock of Ages

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Isaiah 55:6-9

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:17-19

Tuesday: 1 Kings 14:1-18

Wednesday: 1 Kings 14:19-31

Thursday: Isaiah 55:6-9

Friday: Exodus 20:4-6

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 14
Glorious God, we live in a world full of sickness and death. You have granted to us a special love for our children, and our hearts are broken when they face grave illness and trouble. What must Your love for us be that You have called us Your children? What an amazing love You have displayed through the cross of Christ! There are times and seasons that You have ordained for the people that You have created. Your determinations are true and right. Help us to receive Your truth with humility, for You are God, and there is no other. Men live out their days. We sin, even within Your church. Our sins are varied and offensive. Your discipline of Your people is all around us. We cannot understand Your providence, but we know that Your love for Your children is sure. Will we not follow the clear directives of Your moral law? Have mercy on us.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Isaiah 55
O Father, we are thirsty and hungry, and we come to You. You will satisfy us with abundance that can only be found in the Bread of Life and the Cup of our Salvation. You have redeemed us, and we seek You now. We turn away from all sin and turn toward You, O Lord. Your ways are high, and Your thoughts are pure. We are yours, O God. Your Word has accomplished what You have purposed by Your holy decree. Bring about the fullness of a renewed creation.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

For January 15, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
January 15, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:10-16

Sermon title: “Here I am, Lord”

Opening hymn 53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Preparation 398 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Response 670 If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
Closing 580 Lead On, O King Eternal

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Esther 4

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:10-16

Tuesday: 1 Kings 13:1-10

Wednesday: 1 Kings 13:11-34

Thursday: Esther 4

Friday: Exodus 20:2-3

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 13
Great God, You have spoken to Your people for centuries. Your prophets even spoke about future days centuries into the future. How can this be? Surely You know all things. You have certainly planned all things. Father, it is a great privilege that You have given to some men the task of proclaiming Your Word. May Your teachers within Your church consider the fearful responsibility that they have to live in accord with the truth that they proclaim. Grant to these servants unusual discernment, that they might recognize the difference between what is right and the lying words spoken by those who claim to represent You. Father, we thank You for the completed Word that we have in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Help us to take it all to heart, and to test all things according to this completed Word. Build Your Kingdom, and grant faith to men by the hearing of Your Word.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Esther 4
Father, what can we do to express our grief concerning the persecution of Your church throughout the world? We mourn in Your presence for the attacks against Your kingdom. The details of the plans of the wicked are deeply disturbing to us. We bring our plea for help to You. We know that we have a duty to pray for our brothers and sisters who are in distress. Help us to do this work with diligence. We will not keep silence. Perhaps we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. If we perish at the hands of Your enemies, we perish. Our bodies and souls are always in Your hands, and we trust You.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

For January 8, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
January 8, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:3-9

Sermon title: “The Original Damascus Road Experience”

Opening 2 O Worship the King
Preparation 107 Praise Ye the Father
Response 157 None Other Lamb, None Other Name
Closing 164 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 131

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:3-9

Tuesday: 1 Kings 12:1-15

Wednesday: 1 Kings 12:16-33

Thursday: Psalm 131

Friday: Matthew 22:39

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 12
Father God, not every leader that You provide for Your people is a David or a Solomon. Some take the counsel of fools, ignoring the mature advice of those who bring true wisdom. How can Your kingdom prosper with shepherds who do not understand the way that is right? Such men cause unnecessary divisions within Your house. Yet we remember that Your plan is above the schemes of foolish men. We have a King over Your house who is very wise. Help us to see that Your provision for us is very good. Restrain our sin. Speak to us powerfully through Your Word. Use us in the building up of Your kingdom, even though we surely are unworthy servants. Keep us from wicked idolatry. Help us to see Christ and to follow Him, lest we be led further into sin, and cause others to wander far from You by our foolish instructions and loose way of life.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Psalm 131
Our Father, we rest in You. Like a child we rest in the security of Your embrace. We rest in You and trust in You even now. Your people will not be put to shame, for Your love will endure forever and ever.