Sunday, January 30, 2011

For February 6, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

February 6, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 2:37-40

Sermon title: “Immanuel Spirit” - Part 7


Opening – Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord! 19

Preparation – We Come, O Christ, to You 181

Response – At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing 420

Closing – All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 297

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

OT Reading: Zechariah 10

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 2:37-40

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 20:1-23

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 20:24-42

Thursday: Zechariah 10

Friday: Exodus 20:8-11

Saturday: Acts 2

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 20

Father God, wicked men seek the lives of Your saints. Show us the truth. We long for the revealing of Your true Sons. Even now, let the wicked leader within Your church be exposed as faithless. Bring repentance to many as the truth is boldly preached. Godless men would consume Your people as thoughtlessly as they eat bread with their meals. They swear falsely about their affection for You and their love for Your people. They love the world only for the things that the world can give, for they only love themselves. They do not love the Son of David. Expose them for who they are. In the day of the greatest apostasy, when the man of lawlessness is shown to be who he really is, send forth Your Son again to rescue us in the fullness of resurrection power. Cast down the vile enemy from His seat of honor, where He claims to be god, and where he demands absolute obedience from slavish worshippers. This anti-Christ even now shows forth who he is in fits of anger against Your children. His end will soon come. Though He might seem to have full sway within Your church for a brief moment, Your Son will surely win the victory in the Day of His power. Until then, we swear before You that we belong to the true Son of David, and not to any servant of the father of lies.

Zechariah 10

Lord God, You bring rain and sun, even upon pagan peoples, but You care especially for Your flock. You have sent us the great Cornerstone of our salvation. He has saved us and strengthened us. He will bring us back to a safe and bountiful land, and we shall rejoice and be glad in You forever. We shall live there with our children and with all Your chosen people. You will strike down anyone or anything that could threaten us, and we shall walk in Your Name forever.

Acts 2

Great God, You have granted to Your church the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit. You have enabled us to hear the message of Your mighty works. Glory to Your Name, O God! You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in the age to come. That age has broken in now through Your great work of salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord as worshipers in the covenant assembly shall be brought from death to life. That Name above all names is Jesus, who is the Lord of Glory. He is yet alive, and so we call upon Him even now, for He is both Man and God. He is David’s Son and David’s Lord. He is our King and our Messiah. Our sins sent Him to the cross. We now repent of all known sin. We thank You for the covenant sign and seal of baptism, testifying of the life to come by the cleansing work of the Spirit and the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. We give ourselves to You and to one another, as we devote ourselves to the way of worship as the community of salvation in this present age.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

For January 30, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

January 30, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 2:34-36

Sermon title: “Immanuel Spirit” - Part 6


Opening – All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above 4

Preparation – O Word of God Incarnate 140

Response – The Head That Once Was Crowned... 298

Closing – Crown Him With Many Crowns 295

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

OT Reading: Psalm 110

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 2:34-36

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 19:1-10

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 19:11-24

Thursday: Psalm 110

Friday: Exodus 20:7

Saturday: Acts 2

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 19

God of All the Earth, will You allow wicked men to destroy Your church? Even leaders among Your covenant people turn against us and against our holy Messiah, the Son of David. They are treacherous in their words and unstable in their hearts. Yet Your Son continues to win the victory in every battle. Why would men who claim to walk in His Name turn against Him and deny Your Word? Why are there so many Sauls and so few courageous Davids in positions of authority in Your church? Why are so many determined to bring harm upon Your people? These traitors commit themselves to hatred and are full of lies. Have mercy on us. Send us the Spirit of truth, and true and godly men full of the Spirit of Christ to lead us. We will live in the strength and holiness that You provide. We willingly give our lives for Him who died for us.

Psalm 110

Great Redeemer, You are Lord, and Your Son is also the Lord at Your right hand. Together with Your Son and Your Spirit, You are one God. May Jesus Christ rule as the King of Your kingdom forever. May we be willing servants of our royal High Priest every day. Surely no one can stand against Him, for He reigns eternally in the fullness of Your Holy Spirit.

Acts 2

Great God, You have granted to Your church the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit. You have enabled us to hear the message of Your mighty works. Glory to Your Name, O God! You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in the age to come. That age has broken in now through Your great work of salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord as worshipers in the covenant assembly shall be brought from death to life. That Name above all names is Jesus, who is the Lord of Glory. He is yet alive, and so we call upon Him even now, for He is both Man and God. He is David’s Son and David’s Lord. He is our King and our Messiah. Our sins sent Him to the cross. We now repent of all known sin. We thank You for the covenant sign and seal of baptism, testifying of the life to come by the cleansing work of the Spirit and the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. We give ourselves to You and to one another, as we devote ourselves to the way of worship as the community of salvation in this present age.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

For January 23, 2011

Exeter Presbyterian Church

Worship Preparation for Next Sunday

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 2:25-33

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 18:1-16

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 18:17-30

Thursday: Psalm 16

Friday: Exodus 20:4-6

Saturday: Acts 2

Next Sunday: January 23, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 2:25-33

Sermon title: “Immanuel Spirit” - Part 5

Music: Opening – Psalm 147

Preparation – Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit 331

Response – Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious 299

Closing – Join All the Glorious Names 301

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

OT Reading: Psalm 16

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 18

Father God, our souls are knit to the soul of Your Son. We cast our crowns before Jesus. He is our Leader, and we follow Him with songs and dancing. Your Son has won the greatest victory for Your people. Would we be jealous of the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, and has proven His commitment to You and to us with His own blood? Would we be the murderers of Him who willingly went to the cross for our sake? But we have been treacherous against this One good Man. He came in godliness and lowliness. He was not haughty or proud. He raised Lazarus from the dead, and more than this, was demonstrated to be the very Son of God through His own resurrection to an immortal body. This is the true Son of David, and yet we have sinned against Him. We plead with You now for forgiveness. Return to us the blessings that come from knowing Jesus as our Lord and friend, and grant to us a good inheritance again in the power and holiness of Christ.

Psalm 16

O God, You are our strong hope. We thank You for Your church. We are together in Christ. We will not follow other gods. You are our portion. Our inheritance is beautiful. You are with us and our hearts are glad. You have heard the prayer of Your Holy Son. We have eternal pleasures at Your right hand forevermore.

Acts 2

Great God, You have granted to Your church the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit. You have enabled us to hear the message of Your mighty works. Glory to Your Name, O God! You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in the age to come. That age has broken in now through Your great work of salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord as worshipers in the covenant assembly shall be brought from death to life. That Name above all names is Jesus, who is the Lord of Glory. He is yet alive, and so we call upon Him even now, for He is both Man and God. He is David’s Son and David’s Lord. He is our King and our Messiah. Our sins sent Him to the cross. We now repent of all known sin. We thank You for the covenant sign and seal of baptism, testifying of the life to come by the cleansing work of the Spirit and the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. We give ourselves to You and to one another, as we devote ourselves to the way of worship as the community of salvation in this present age.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

For January 16, 2011

Exeter Presbyterian Church

Worship Preparation for Next Sunday

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 2:22-24

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 17:1-27

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 17:28-58

Thursday: Isaiah 61

Friday: Exodus 20:2-3

Saturday: Acts 2

Next Sunday: January 16, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 2:22-24

Sermon title: “Immanuel Spirit” - Part 4

Music: Opening – Our God Our Help In Ages Past 30

Preparation – The Spirit Breathes Upon the Word 145

Response – When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 252

Closing – What Wondrous Love Is This 261

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

OT Reading: Isaiah 61

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 17

Mighty God, You can use the faith of a boy to slay a man of the most powerful stature. Though our enemies may be superior in natural strength, though they may have better weapons and proud taunts, we have You, O Lord, and we fight in the strength of the resurrected Jesus Christ. Your foes defy You openly, and claim that Your church is nothing. Within our ranks, even strong men fear to use the means of grace that You have given to Your people. We imagine that if we speak the Word forthrightly that we will be unable to gather the lost. We have not used Your sacraments in accord with Your instruction, thinking that people would leave if we did things Your way. We do not pray because we see it as powerless and useless, so we retain the form of strong spiritual armor, but we deny the truth and power of Your love. We are afraid to obey You. The man that speaks in favor of Your Word and Your worship can expect criticism as so many would dismiss him as naive. Grant to us David’s courage to use the simple tools of warfare that You have given to Your church. You have delivered us from sin and death. Place in our hands again the spiritual weapons that we need for the battle ahead. Take off our backs the heavy weight of the world’s armor, for we will never win the battle with the unbearable burden of worldliness. Grant to us godliness, faith, hope, and love. Let us move ahead with truth and gospel peace. Send us forward in the Name of our Savior Jesus, and grant us victory in the fight that rages throughout the church and into the world. We need no Goliath for success. You can make a simple stone that comes from the hand of our Redeemer powerful. You can win any battle against any champion that the world may deem undefeatable. Make us bold, that we might see a great day of vindication for the cause of Christ now, and even beyond our mortal lives. Whose Son is our Redeemer? He is the Son of Man to be sure, but He has shown Himself to be Your Son, and He is mighty in battle.

Isaiah 61

O Spirit of the Living God who so filled our great Messiah, we ask that You would fill us, that we might follow this great Man of Blessing. You have fed us and healed us. You use us to rebuild what sin has destroyed. We are priests to You, O God, and we rejoice in You, for You are our portion. You hate injustice, and will keep it far from us on the day of our deliverance, for we are Your blessed offspring. We have been covered with the righteous robes of Your Son. We live and grow in You, O God.

Acts 2

Great God, You have granted to Your church the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit. You have enabled us to hear the message of Your mighty works. Glory to Your Name, O God! You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in the age to come. That age has broken in now through Your great work of salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord as worshipers in the covenant assembly shall be brought from death to life. That Name above all names is Jesus, who is the Lord of Glory. He is yet alive, and so we call upon Him even now, for He is both Man and God. He is David’s Son and David’s Lord. He is our King and our Messiah. Our sins sent Him to the cross. We now repent of all known sin. We thank You for the covenant sign and seal of baptism, testifying of the life to come by the cleansing work of the Spirit and the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. We give ourselves to You and to one another, as we devote ourselves to the way of worship as the community of salvation in this present age.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

For January 9, 2011

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 2:14-21

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 16:14-23

Thursday: Joel 2:18-32

Friday: Leviticus 19:17-18

Saturday: Acts 2

Next Sunday: January 9, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 2:14-21

Sermon title: “Immanuel Spirit” - Part 3

Music: Opening – Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim 12

Preparation – Jesus, Where'er Your People Meet 377

Response – Psalm 110

Closing – God Moves In A Mysterious Way 128

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

OT Reading: Joel 2:18-32

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 15

O God of all Comfort, how long will we grieve over our disappointments? You are the Sovereign Lord of All, and You do all things well. Consecrate us by Your Spirit in the depths of our souls. Teach us how to see with the eyes of faith. There is much that You have not revealed, but there is also so much that You have made known to us. Teach us to hear Your Word and to move ahead in love. Do not take Your Holy Spirit from us. Have we grieved You deeply and neglected the duty of repentance? We fear that this is the case. Show us our hidden sins again that we might turn from them in truth immediately. Play music for our hearts that will refresh us in Christ, for surely You will rejoice over us again with singing, for we are Your beloved children, and the bride of Your Son.

Numbers 11

O God, we must not murmur against You. We will only bring trouble upon ourselves with our continuous complaining. Please forgive us, O Lord. You send Bread from heaven, and we still find fault with You. We deliberately ignore all of the blessings that You have granted to us, even seeking the day of our death. We should be thanking You for our salvation and serving You with a joy that is forever full and real. Forgive us, and restore us again to useful service. Father, we thank You for taking us out of the land of sin. We thank You that Your hand is not shortened. You are able to pour out Your Spirit upon our leaders. They point us forward in holiness, but it is not as if we are devoid of the Spirit throughout Your church. We are filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody in our hearts to You, thanking You in Christ in all situations, and submitting to one another out of reverence for our Redeemer. The promise is for us and for our children, as many as You will call to Yourself.

Acts 2

Great God, You have granted to Your church the promised blessing of the Holy Spirit. You have enabled us to hear the message of Your mighty works. Glory to Your Name, O God! You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in the age to come. That age has broken in now through Your great work of salvation. All who call upon the Name of the Lord as worshipers in the covenant assembly shall be brought from death to life. That Name above all names is Jesus, who is the Lord of Glory. He is yet alive, and so we call upon Him even now, for He is both Man and God. He is David’s Son and David’s Lord. He is our King and our Messiah. Our sins sent Him to the cross. We now repent of all known sin. We thank You for the covenant sign and seal of baptism, testifying of the life to come by the cleansing work of the Spirit and the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ. We give ourselves to You and to one another, as we devote ourselves to the way of worship as the community of salvation in this present age.