Worship Next Sunday
June 19, 2011
Preaching: Pastor Magee
Sermon text: Acts 5:27-33
Sermon title: “A Leader and Savior to Give Repentance to Israel”
Opening – 100 Holy, Holy, Holy!
Preparation – 163 At the Name of Jesus
Response – Psalm 2
Closing – 598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed
OT Reading: Isaiah 1:1-20
Preparation Guide
Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)
Monday: Acts 5
Tuesday: 2 Samuel 8:1-8
Wednesday: 2 Samuel 8:9-18
Thursday: Isaiah 1:1-20
Friday: Exodus 20:17
Saturday: Acts 5
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
2 Samuel 8
Lord God, will we sink into despair because of the challenges of the past and our fears about the future? There is work to be done today, yet we are not sufficiently engaged in doing the things that You have called us to do. Help us to take up the shield of faith and all of the armor for the spiritual battle that You have ordained. We cannot mourn forever because of the miseries that we face. Your church must rejoice in You. This is a day of victory, for Your Son reigns. Men who are strong in Your Spirit have been placed by You in important positions of trust in Your church. Shall we ignore our duties forever? Strengthen us in Your service.
Isaiah 1
Lord God, help us to know You and to know the truth. Teach us to turn away from rebellion. Your Law is good and right, but we have sinned against You. We have brought great trouble upon ourselves in our disobedience. Yet You have a plan of grace that goes beyond our disobedience. You have provided a Substitute who did more than offer ceremonial righteousness to You. He heard Your Word and loved You. He listened to Your voice and obeyed Your commandments. There was no evil in Him. He cared for the weak with true sincerity. He has taken away the deep stain of our sin and has granted to us the perfectly glorious robes of His unfailing goodness. We seek You now for a season of true faithfulness among Your worshippers. We long for the age to come, when all of our sinful thoughts, words, and actions will be taken far away from us forever. The way of idolatry leads only to destruction. Teach us to be earnest followers of Your Son.
Acts 5
Our Father, we are so easily tempted by sinful desires. We want to be seen as great among men, even within Your church. Forgive us for this deadly sin. Not only do we bring great trouble upon ourselves, but we also bring trials upon our families and Your church. Despite our foolishness, we know that You will work all things for Your purposes. Please bring great fear upon Your people so that we may remember the seriousness of our commitments. Send Your holy angels to protect us from evil that would be too strong for us. Amaze Your enemies as You accomplish Your heavenly purposes in the midst of this passing age. Teach us not to follow rulers when they command us to violate Your way. We must follow You, even if men would seek to kill us for challenging their authority. Make our witness real. Imposters come and go, and their followers amount to nothing. But the Word and kingdom of Jesus cannot be stopped, for this assembly is the very kingdom of God on earth in this present age. Your Son Jesus is surely the Messiah. To oppose Him is to oppose You.