Sunday, June 26, 2011

For July 3, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

July 3, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 6:1-7

Sermon title: “Obedient to the Faith”


Opening – 117 The Spacious Firmament on High

Preparation – 254 Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed

Response – 644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior

Closing – 585 Take My Life, and Let It Be

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

OT Reading: Micah 6:1-8

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 6

Tuesday: 2 Samuel 10:1-9

Wednesday: 2 Samuel 10:10-19

Thursday: Micah 6:1-8

Friday: Matthew 22:37

Saturday: Acts 6

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Samuel 10

Glorious Lord, though we would act with sincerity and care for the world, we cannot be certain that we will be treated kindly and respectfully by others. Remind us again of the gospel, particularly at times of special disappointment and danger. Protect us from the hatred and violence of men. We would be men of peace. Assist us in the proclamation of the truth to every creature under heaven. Grant us courage in this task. Our forthright word of faith and repentance may cause some to attack, yet we must be true to You, whatever the danger before us may be.

Micah 6

Lord God Almighty, You had an indictment against Your people under the Old Covenant. You provided them with many blessings and with great saving acts. What did You require of Israel? They should have done justice, loved kindness, and walked humbly with You. These are the weightier matters of the Law. How have we fared by the same holy requirements? O how we need Your grace! We who have been saved through the righteousness of Your Son are not required to do less then those who came before us. We have been given much. Much is required of us. Your Son has covered our sins. Please forgive us, and fill us with Your Spirit, so that we will walk in love according to Your commandments.

Acts 6

Lord God, thank You for the way that You solve problems with such wisdom and love. Help us to remember that those who have been set apart for the Word should devote themselves to the duties of leading Your church in prayer, teaching, and preaching. These men should not be distracted by other concerns, however important and legitimate. Raise up men that are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to lead all of the believers in service, so that issues of justice, mercy, and order are attended to with diligence and holiness. Fill our hearts with wisdom and with Your Spirit. Grant us godly composure and Christ-like love for You and for others.