Worship Next Sunday
March 27, 2011
Preaching: Pastor Magee
Sermon text: Acts 3:22-26
Sermon title: “A Refreshing Experience” - Part 4 of 4
Opening – Praise My Soul the King of Heaven 76
Preparation – Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 342
Response – Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts 646
Closing – Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! 498
Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed
OT Reading: Genesis 12:1-3
Preparation Guide
Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)
Monday: Acts 3:22-26
Tuesday: 1 Samuel 27:1-7
Wednesday: 1 Samuel 27:8-12
Thursday: Genesis 12:1-3
Friday: Luke 9:23-26
Saturday: Acts 3
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
1 Samuel 27
Lord Almighty, will we perish today at the hands of Your enemies? You are the hope of the redeemed. Protect us in one place or another, that we might live to serve You another day. Keep our lives even in the land of the wicked, and give us strength in body and soul, that we might serve You well wherever You lead us.
Genesis 12
Holy Father, speak to us of the future. Speak to us of covenant blessings that are ours in Jesus Christ. Make us to be a blessing to the nations of the world. We count Your Word as precious. When You promise to give something to us and to our offspring, You will surely do what you have said. You watched over the lives of Abraham and Sarah as people of the promise. Through most unusual providences You protected them from great danger, and provided for their every need. You made them prosper in the land of their journeys. Your plan for them was great. Your plan for us is also completely trustworthy, for we are heirs of these same great promises through faith in Jesus Christ.
Acts 3
Our Father, we are so very grateful for Your mercy to the weak. Lord, You provide for our every need. You grant us food, shelter, health, friendship, and families; and these are just the beginning of the blessings that You have for us. Though we have denied Your Son, You have given us faith in His Name. Through Him we have a taste of the life to come. Bring us times of refreshing day by day so that we will remember Your promises and be strengthened for Your service. We have heard Your Word. You will bring about the fulfillment of all that You have promised to Your people of old. Turn us from our wickedness and grant us great joy in the contemplation of Your eternal love.