Sunday, March 27, 2011

For April 3, 2011

Worship Next Sunday

April 3, 2011

Preaching: Pastor Magee

Sermon text: Acts 4:1-4

Sermon title: “The Annoyance of Christian Preaching”


Opening – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 53

Preparation – Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness 330

Response – Rejoice, the Lord Is King 309

Closing – Am I a Soldier of the Cross 573

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

OT Reading: Jeremiah 38:1-6

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 4:1-4

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 28:1-14

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 28:15-25

Thursday: Jeremiah 38:1-6

Friday: Matthew 22:37

Saturday: Acts 4

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers

(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Samuel 28

O Lord of Hosts, You are the God of the Living. Though Your servants of former days have died, yet they still live. We are not to be those who wickedly inquire of them, yet we know that those who are in You are safe in Christ whether they live or die. Keep us far from evil inquiry, lest we follow the doctrines of demons, but make us strong in hope according to the Word of Christ. You have spoken clearly in Your Word. Will we not obey Your voice, O Lord? Give us courage and strength, especially as we face the day of danger and impending death. Bring us home to You in peace, and forgive all our wickedness and sin.

Jeremiah 38

Merciful God, the servants of Your Word are in great need. Some are being threatened by those around them. Others are already in prison or have had their property confiscated from them. Appoint someone to help them today, that they might have food to eat, healing for their illnesses, aid for their financial distress, friendship for their loneliness, and especially Your strong presence in their lives. Make them to be men of great courage. Though the wicked seek their lives, You are able to preserve Your servants again this day. Through all this distress, help those who are true messengers of Your Son to continue with the fullness of Your holy counsel. Though their homes and even their families be destroyed, preserve Your servants through every trial.

Acts 4

Lord God Almighty, we know that there are some who do not want to hear the Word. They may be enraged by any signs of life that seem to flow from the Name of Jesus Christ. Grant to us the courage to speak boldly for that Name above all names. There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Keep us near Your resurrected and ascended Son, so that it may be evident to all through our humility and holy boldness that we have been with Jesus. You have done great things for us. You are powerful in all Your works of creation and providence. Why does the world hate You? Why were even the rulers of Your people determined to kill the Son of God? Move our hearts and minds with the presence of Your Spirit, filling us with Your love and power. Make us witnesses of Your grace throughout the church and the world. Teach us to give all that we have and all that we are to You in the face of such obvious and overwhelming goodness.