Monday, November 24, 2014

For November 30, 2014

Worship Next Sunday
November 30, 2014

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon Text: Genesis 18:22-33

Sermon Title: The Scepter of Wickedness in the Kingdom of God

Opening hymn: 193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Preparation hymn: White 10 God's Amazing Word
Response hymn: 644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Closing hymn: 642 Be Thou My Vision

Meditation on God's Law: The Seventh Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 125:3, Matthew 16:5-12

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Judges 21:25 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: Psalm 48 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: Psalm 49 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: Psalm 50 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 125:3 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Matthew 16:5-12 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: Genesis 18:22-33 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

Meditating on the Scriptures Together
Psalm 125:3

For the scepter of wickedness

shall not rest

on the land allotted to the righteous,

lest the righteous stretch out their hands

to do wrong.