Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For September 8, 2013

Worship Next Sunday
September 8, 2013

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Acts 27:1-44

Sermon Title: Learning Obedience

Opening: 30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
Preparation: 38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Response: 398 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies
Closing: 420 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Meditation on God's Law: The Ninth Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 25, Mark 12:13-17

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Hebrews 2:13 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: 1 Chronicles 18, Psalm 25 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: 1 Chronicles 19, Psalm 26 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: 1 Chronicles 20, Psalm 27 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 25 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Mark 12:13-17 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: Acts 27:1-44 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

The Lord Is Right and Good
Tune: St. Michael, S.M.
Scriptures: Psalm 25, Mark 12:13-17, Acts 27:1-44

1: The Lord is right and good.
He teaches me the way
Of steadfast love and faithfulness
He guards my soul from shame.

2: My life belongs to Him,
Not to another king.
I'll give them honor and obey,
But He means everything.

3: He rescues me from death
Through every stormy gale.
My soul is kept by His strong hand.
His Word saves me from hell.