Monday, September 17, 2012

For September 23, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
September 23, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 15:30-41

Sermon title: Strengthening the Churches

Opening Hymn 76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Preparation Hymn 376 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
Response Hymn 358 For All the Saints
Closing Hymn 345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Genesis 37:11, 37:20, 39:1, 40:23, 41:1, 41:53-57

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Genesis 37, Acts 15:19-29

Monday: 1 Samuel 13, Acts 15:30-51

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 14

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 15

Thursday: Genesis 38

Friday: Genesis 39

Saturday: Genesis 40, Acts 15

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Genesis 41
Father of Mercy, we are impatient in suffering. Please forgive us. We could so easily believe that You have forgotten us, but this is a lie. You kept Joseph in prison for at least two years after he should have been helped by the cupbearer of Pharaoh. At just the right time, Jacob’s son was brought from that prison-house in order to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Your ways are right. Your servants know that You give the interpretation of Your Word to Your prophets. All glory to You, O God. Who but You would have the wisdom and power to bring life and health out of the miseries of Joseph? Who could have known that You were working abundant salvation through the death of Your holy Servant Jesus? Bring us through times of famine and testing in the current age, and lead us into the age to come where we will have blessings beyond anything we have ever experienced or known. Fill us now with Your Holy Spirit, that we might rightly serve you in this day when we are strangers in a strange land. Though we may have the respect of men and great wealth and honor, we know that we are not yet home. We long for the resurrection, O Lord. Help us to be competent and useful now until the trumpet blows, and the dead in Christ are raised. Help us in our day of hardship, that we might be fruitful in the land of our affliction. May we have bread to share with the hungry, and storehouses full of grain when the severity of trouble comes upon Your people. In all our service, we will remember You, O Lord, for You give us our daily bread.

Acts 15
Great God, there was much dissension in the early church, and there are important disagreements in the church today. Help us to distinguish between those matters where love must cover a multitude of sins, and those matters that must be more fully discussed for Your good purposes. Give us the courage and discipline to call together eminent and godly servants of the truth in order to gain greater clarity by Your Word and Spirit. Make their deliberations a productive and worthwhile use of Your resources. Thank You for the wonderful truth that was displayed so powerfully in Your church in days of old when the age changed from the time of the Law to the new day of the gospel. Thank you for the way of life by grace through the faith that remained the same in both ages. Yet thank You once again for the clarity that the ceremonies of the Law have been fulfilled in Christ. It is now clear that we do not need to be Jewish before we can be Christians. The way of life for us in not through circumcision, Passover, and the regulations of clean and unclean. Nonetheless, we thank You for the record of these matters in the Law, for they show us the wonders of Christ. He has become our circumcision through His death on the cross. Through Him alone we have been rescued from sure destruction, for He is our Passover. By His blood sprinkled upon our hearts we have been cleansed by the Holy Spirit from the guilt and stain of sin.