Monday, June 25, 2012

For July 1, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
July 1, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 14:1-7

Sermon title: They continued to preach the gospel.

Opening Hymn 7 From All That Dwells below the Skies
Preparation Hymn 529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Response Hymn 559 Father I Know That All My Life
Closing Hymn 469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 23:17

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 14:1-7

Tuesday: 2 Kings 14:1-14

Wednesday: 2 Kings 14:15-29

Thursday: Proverbs 23:17

Friday: Matthew 22:37

Saturday: Acts 14

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 14
Our Father, our lives are short. How will we use the strength that You have given to us? Will we serve our own immediate needs, or will we be engaged in the battle that is ours this day? Will we be so captivated by the wonders of this world that we forget the blessing of the world to come? The day comes when even the best men die. We need something more than money, possessions, and power. All these thing swiftly flee far away from us. We need eternal life. Watch over us as we serve You in strange places where Your Name is not held in high regard. Keep us from doing what is evil in Your sight, and make us faithful to the light that we have already received. There must be some victory for Your Name beyond that which can be won with the weapons of this world. Lead us in righteousness, O Lord.

Proverbs 23
Lord of Glory, forgive us for our many follies. Whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we should do it all for Your glory. We must hear Your instruction and apply our hearts to the truth. What do we say? How do we bring up our children? How do we work, and what is our way of having fun? In all of these things we need Your wisdom. We long for the health, safety, and fruitfulness of future generations. Drowning ourselves in wine will never solve our problems. It will do us no good to pretend that we are stronger than we really are. You are God, and we are not. Our lives and the lives of our descendants are surely in Your hands.

Acts 14
Our Father, Your missionaries are serving in all kinds of places throughout the world. As the apostle went not only to established places of worship, but also spoke in public places where people had very little knowledge of Your Word, Your servants even today serve in a variety of settings. We pray that You would provide them with every resource necessary for their effective proclamation of Your great works of creation, providence, and redemption. We pray that You would grant all these brothers clarity, energy, health, and especially spiritual strength in the midst of much weakness. We commend them to Your grace. Use their ministry in a powerful way, and grant an open door in many places where the Word has never before been heard.

Monday, June 18, 2012

For June 24, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
June 24, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 13:42-52

Sermon title: A king's favor is like dew on the grass

Opening Hymn 117 The Spacious Firmament on High
Preparation Hymn 247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Response Hymn 347 The Church's One Foundation
Closing Hymn 621 Sometimes a Light Surprises

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 19:12

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 13:42-52

Tuesday: 2 Kings 13:1-13

Wednesday: 2 Kings 12:14-25

Thursday: Proverbs 19:12

Friday: Luke 9:23-26

Saturday: Acts 13

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 13
Great Lord, trouble has come upon Your people. Evil leaders turn them over to the hand of their enemies. These foes would lead us into false worship. We seem to have no strength left in us. We want to come back to the way of faithfulness, but we do not remember the path of righteousness any more. We fill our hearts with foolish things, and lose sense of the great battle before us. Grant to us a fresh sense of the victory that we have through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Look upon us in our weariness and grant us new strength by the power of Your Spirit. You have not forgotten Your promises to our forefathers in the faith. Help us to remember You, that we might obey Your precepts.

Proverbs 19
Our Father, grant us integrity and knowledge more than raw intelligence and wit. Grant to us a true generosity of heart that comes by Your grace. Make us to be people of good sense who know the glory of overlooking an offense. Grant us peace within our homes, and diligence throughout our lives. Your Son has come from a heavenly home of perfect integrity, and has given us the incomparable gift of a most wise and generous salvation. Thank You for the blessings of life that have come from Your hand. Even now You speak to us from Your Word, and You give us instruction and knowledge.

Acts 13
Father God, we thank You for the preachers and teachers that You have given to Your church.  We pray that You will lead them to the precise places that You have for them to go, that they might serve You in fruitful work according to Your plan.  Help these men to be forthright in their speech, for men-pleasers will not be helpful to the progress of the truth.  Help these servants to see this life in a right way, so that they will not fall into the many temptations that so easily ensnare those who are called to be servants of the Word.  Grant that these preachers and teachers would have an accurate understanding of the Old and New Testaments.  May they be in the Word day by day in ways that are helpful for their own souls, and for the understanding of those who will hear them. Help them to see Christ, His atoning work, and His glorious resurrection as the very center of Your living Word.  What a joy it is to see Your Son as the surprising fulfillment of the Word given to Your people even under the period of the Law!  We have been freed from sin by the message and power of Christ.  We pray that the true and bold ministry of Your Word would be powerful in our day.  How can this happen if the men that You call as Your servants are trapped by worldliness and idolatry?  Sanctify Your church, including her ministers, and grant all of Your assemblies a strong hope of eternal life and the fullness of joy even now through the Holy Spirit.

Monday, June 11, 2012

For June 17, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
June 17, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 13:32-41

Sermon title: A Glad Father

Opening Hymn 168 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art
Preparation Hymn 181 We Come, O Christ, to You
Response Hymn 257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
Closing Hymn 252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 15:20a

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 13:32-41

Tuesday: 2 Kings 12:1-16

Wednesday: 2 Kings 12:17-21

Thursday: Proverbs 15:20a

Friday: Exodus 20:17

Saturday: Acts 13

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 12
Lord God, You grant us lives to be lived for Your glory. We have opportunities for faithfulness that You give to us. You also grant us resources of money and time for the use of Your kingdom. Will we use these things for ourselves, and miss the opportunity to serve You sacrificially? Help us to love Your house out of our deep regard for You. Give us others with whom we may serve. Build up Your kingdom for Your own glory. Protect us from vicious men who have no intention of truly serving You.

Proverbs 15
Lord God, keep us from words that are unnecessarily harsh. Grant us gentle speech and ears that heed reproof. Our Father, how is it that wickedness so easily finds a resting place in our lives and in our homes? Give us glad hearts as we contemplate the many blessings that You have given to us. May we feast on the fullness of Your grace and wisdom day by day. Move us along on the good highway of righteousness, and grant us a healthy glimpse of our destination, lest we become discouraged and despondent, and turn away from the way of the cross either to the right or to the left.

Acts 13
Father God, we thank You for the preachers and teachers that You have given to Your church.  We pray that You will lead them to the precise places that You have for them to go, that they might serve You in fruitful work according to Your plan.  Help these men to be forthright in their speech, for men-pleasers will not be helpful to the progress of the truth.  Help these servants to see this life in a right way, so that they will not fall into the many temptations that so easily ensnare those who are called to be servants of the Word.  Grant that these preachers and teachers would have an accurate understanding of the Old and New Testaments.  May they be in the Word day by day in ways that are helpful for their own souls, and for the understanding of those who will hear them. Help them to see Christ, His atoning work, and His glorious resurrection as the very center of Your living Word.  What a joy it is to see Your Son as the surprising fulfillment of the Word given to Your people even under the period of the Law!  We have been freed from sin by the message and power of Christ.  We pray that the true and bold ministry of Your Word would be powerful in our day.  How can this happen if the men that You call as Your servants are trapped by worldliness and idolatry?  Sanctify Your church, including her ministers, and grant all of Your assemblies a strong hope of eternal life and the fullness of joy even now through the Holy Spirit.

Monday, June 4, 2012

For June 10, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
June 10, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon text: Acts 13:13-31

Sermon title: A Tree of Life

Opening Hymn 34 The God of Abraham Praise
Preparation Hymn 376 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
Response hymn 647 How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
Closing Hymn 299 Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Proverbs 11:30

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 13:13-31

Tuesday: 2 Kings 11:1-8

Wednesday: 2 Kings 11:9-20

Thursday: Proverbs 11:30

Friday: Exodus 20:15

Saturday: Acts 13

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

2 Kings 11
Father God, there is such brutality in evidence throughout this world of sin, and even in Your church there is much evil. Yet You have the power to hide Your servants in the place of safety until the day of their appointed service comes. Even Your Son, Jesus Christ, gave His life at the time of Your choice, and not according to the plans of wicked men who would have thrown Him from a cliff or stoned Him. At just the right time Jesus died on the cross, and at just the right time this perfect Son of David was anointed King through His resurrection. This was a most surprising development in the eyes of Your enemies, but it was well known to Him and to You. We trust You with our lives. We turn away from all false worship and heresy, and commit our hearts to You. Purify Your kingdom, and grant to us a season of peace as we seek Your glory and pursue Your righteousness.

Proverbs 11
O Lord, greed will destroy us so quickly. Deliver us from death, or we will fall by our own folly. We need help from You in the depths of our souls. If we can truly be righteous we will be of benefit to many people, but if we travel on the road of wickedness, we will be the source of much trouble for ourselves and others. We know that the way to true prosperity now and forever can only be by the way of wisdom. Make us generous and pure. What great character Your Son had in His earthly days! He never sinned. We have become His inheritance. He has captured our souls, and we are glad. His wisdom and godliness endures forever.

Acts 13
Father God, we thank You for the preachers and teachers that You have given to Your church.  We pray that You will lead them to the precise places that You have for them to go, that they might serve You in fruitful work according to Your plan.  Help these men to be forthright in their speech, for men-pleasers will not be helpful to the progress of the truth.  Help these servants to see this life in a right way, so that they will not fall into the many temptations that so easily ensnare those who are called to be servants of the Word.  Grant that these preachers and teachers would have an accurate understanding of the Old and New Testaments.  May they be in the Word day by day in ways that are helpful for their own souls, and for the understanding of those who will hear them. Help them to see Christ, His atoning work, and His glorious resurrection as the very center of Your living Word.  What a joy it is to see Your Son as the surprising fulfillment of the Word given to Your people even under the period of the Law!  We have been freed from sin by the message and power of Christ.  We pray that the true and bold ministry of Your Word would be powerful in our day.  How can this happen if the men that You call as Your servants are trapped by worldliness and idolatry?  Sanctify Your church, including her ministers, and grant all of Your assemblies a strong hope of eternal life and the fullness of joy even now through the Holy Spirit.