Worship Next Sunday
18, 2012
Pastor Stephen Magee
text: Acts 9:36-43
title: “Many Believed in the Lord”
Hymn 18 You Holy Angels Bright
Hymn 330 Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness
Hymn 156 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You
Hymn 353 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism
Testament Passage: Psalm 113
Review morning sermon
(evening service @ 5pm)
Acts 9:36-43
1 Kings 22:1-28
1 Kings 22:29-53
Psalm 113
Exodus 20:17
Bible Study and Prayers
that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
Kings 22
Lord God, the
danger of our sin is all around us. Not only do we have iniquity
within us and in our assemblies and cities, but we also feel the
danger of sin in high places in Your church and in our nations.
Teach us to inquire of You in every situation. We humbly ask You to
lead us every day. Order all the events before us. Help us to be
sensible of the warfare all around us. Shall we go forth into battle
without the truth of Your Word? We have a great King in Jesus
Christ, our Lord. He pleads for us above. Send forth Your Holy
Spirit with the truth this day. Keep false prophets far away from
us. Help us by granting to us an accurate and bold presentation of
Your Word. We thank You for the Scriptures. Give us the courage to
approach You in humble prayer. Teach us to seek Your will above all
things. We ask that You would use our prayers to grant to us those
things that You desire for Your children. Teach us to have godly
affections and requests. The battle rages all around us. Make us
faithful to Your Word. If we die today, may we die the death of
those who have loved You, and have been faithful to the commission
that Your Son has given to His church. Where we fail, appoint others
who will listen more attentively to Your voice in the Scriptures.
From generation to generation move us along according to Your Word.
Where we have been sadly stubborn in our rejection of truth, we pray
that future generations of Your church will be moved to see the truth
that we have rejected in our folly.
Acts 9
Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and
Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed
be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once
condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud
hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they
hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help
us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only
Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament
Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men
who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort
that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know
Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with
good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered
distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used
in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.
Psalm 113
God, You have blessed us in so many ways. We thank You sincerely.
You are above all nations. There is no god like You. You saw us in
our poverty and need. You met us in our barrenness. You have
granted us godliness with contentment. You have promised us a future
forever in Your Kingdom. We praise You.