Worship Next Sunday
August 14, 2011
Preaching: Nathan Snyder
Sermon text: Ephesians 4:1-6
Sermon title: “Called to Unity”
Opening – Psalm 147
Preparation – 335 Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
Response – 642 Be Thou My Vision
Closing – 355 We Are God's People
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism
OT Reading: Psalm 91
Preparation Guide
Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)
Monday: Ephesians 4
Tuesday: 2 Samuel 16:1-14
Wednesday: 2 Samuel 16:15-23
Thursday: Psalm 91
Friday: Exodus 20:12
Saturday: Ephesians 4
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
2 Samuel 16
Our Father, even those who come with gifts in their hands are not always speaking the full truth. We do not know what is in the hearts of men as Your Son did. How can we be safe in the face of the curses of the wicked and the lies of supposed friends? Help us to trust You, for You are working Your sovereign will and accomplishing Your deep and holy purposes despite the troubles that surround us. Though men throw stones, fling dust in our faces, and speak insulting lies against us, You are God. You are able to defend Your Name and to protect Your sons and daughters. Our hope is in Your Word.
Psalm 91
Strong Deliverer, You are our refuge and our fortress in the most horrible danger. You are so faithful, O God. Even if we die, we shall live. We will see Your great deliverance with our own eyes. We will see angels, who help us in a day of trouble. You have spoken great promises to us in Christ. What a blessing it is to live in the light of His glorious resurrection!
Ephesians 4
Lord God, we thank You for the blessing of Your church. We are together in Christ, and united in our enjoyment of all that Christ has for the church. Though we have a variety of gifts, we rejoice in You, our one Lord. Help us to grow together in Christ through the ministry of pastors and teachers who bring us the Word day by day. Grant us willingness to use the gifts that You have given us, not for the service of our own foolish pride, but to serve You and one another. We put on the new man in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We hate the works of the devil and the filth of corruption that battles for ascendancy within us. Bring relief to those who are in pain and trouble today, for we care for one another and forgive each other, as members together of one body.