Worship Next Sunday
May 15, 2011
Preaching: Rev. Keith Kanavel
Sermon text: tbd
Sermon title: tbd
Opening – O Worship the King 2
Preparation – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 38
Response – Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow! 474
Closing – O Zion Haste, Your Mission High Fulfilling 444
Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed
OT Reading: tbd
Preparation Guide
Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)
Monday: Acts 4
Tuesday: 2 Samuel 3:1-25
Wednesday: 2 Samuel 3:26-39
Thursday: Psalm 51
Friday: Exodus 20:12
Saturday: Acts 4
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
2 Samuel 3
Father God, You have raised up the descendants of David in great number, but there is One alone who is the eternal King. We thank You for this incomparable ruler of Your church, the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ. We mourn the fact that there are many imposters who would desire to take His place. Father, we pray that You would bless us in our close association with the true King, Jesus. We are His bride, for He has purchased us with His blood. Use Your church, that we might gather all Your people to this one Savior. Bring into the fold of Your church all who will humbly submit to His reign. Forgive us for our disrespect and intrigue against Your Son and against the pastors and elders that would truly serve Him in accord with His Word. Why would we rail against You? Our rebellion is neither wise nor safe. Grant to us a greater wisdom as we serve among Your people. Make us gentle in this world full of sin and folly. Thank You for the blood of the eternal sacrifice, which is our sure hope.
Psalm 51
O Lord, our Redeemer, You know the truth about our sin, and have uncovered transgression before our hearts at just the right time. You bring Your Word to bear upon the very points of our obvious faults. How could we have pretended that everything was alright when we continued in sin? Fill our souls with Your Holy Spirit. Change us, O God. We will lead others in the right way, for You have forgiven us. You have received us again through Christ. We give You all glory and praise through Him.
Acts 4
Lord God Almighty, we know that there are some who do not want to hear the Word. They may be enraged by any signs of life that seem to flow from the Name of Jesus Christ. Grant to us the courage to speak boldly for that Name above all names. There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Keep us near Your resurrected and ascended Son, so that it may be evident to all through our humility and holy boldness that we have been with Jesus. You have done great things for us. You are powerful in all Your works of creation and providence. Why does the world hate You? Why were even the rulers of Your people determined to kill the Son of God? Move our hearts and minds with the presence of Your Spirit, filling us with Your love and power. Make us witnesses of Your grace throughout the church and the world. Teach us to give all that we have and all that we are to You in the face of such obvious and overwhelming goodness.