Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)
Monday: Matthew 1:18
Tuesday: 1 Samuel 12:1-12
Wednesday: 1 Samuel 12:13-25
Thursday: Isaiah 7:10-14
Friday: Exodus 20:16
Saturday: Matthew 1:18-25
Next Sunday: December 12, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Magee
Sermon text: Matthew 1:18
Sermon title: “Immanuel”
Music: Opening – Joy to the World 195
Preparation – Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 196
Response – Of the Father's Love Begotten 162
Closing – Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates 198
Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed
OT Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
1 Samuel 12
Father God, we hear the words of our Mediator calling us to a life of faith and obedience. We have no word of testimony against the Lord Jesus Christ. He has done all things well. He has not defrauded us or oppressed us. Far be it from Him to sin in any way. You are our witness today that we find no evil thing in our great Redeemer, and we have no excuse to withhold from Him our full devotion. He has rescued us from every adversary, defeating even sin and death, and making Satan flee from us whenever we would sincerely resist that father of lies. We will obey the voice of the Lord. May Your hand be with us because of our great Messiah King. Our wickedness has been great. We fear You. May Your Son pray for us that our souls will not return to empty things that cannot profit or deliver. We are a people who live for Your Name’s sake. We will serve You faithfully with our whole heart. Do not utterly sweep us away in Your righteous wrath.
Isaiah 7
O Lord God, the King that You have provided for Your church is faithful and true. You know the wickedness of those who seek to overwhelm us, but You have the power to stop the hand of every adversary. Make us firm in faith. Help us to rejoice in the sign that You have chosen for us. A virgin has conceived. Immanuel has been given to us. Through Him, sin and death have been overthrown. We thank You for the wonder of His mighty love. The very thought that You are with us through the person of Your Son is a comfort in the present day of trouble. Though all of our problems have not yet been removed from us, the sign of Immanuel speaks to us of a powerful victory that can never be reversed. The Christ has come for our atonement. He will return again to rescue us from this evil age.
Matthew 1
Lord God, grant that we would see Jesus Christ rightly in Your Word. He is the fulfillment of Your every promise. You have granted many kings to reign over Your people, but Jesus is far above them all. We thank You for the wonder of His two natures, for He is both human and divine. In His one person He has fully saved us from our sins. He is not only the Son of Mary. He is God with us. In Him we have been given a most excellent and secure heritage.