Friday, June 18, 2010

For June 20, 2010

Sunday (6/13): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)

Monday (6/14): Read & discuss John 19:6-8; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Mark 15:1-19

Tuesday (6/15): Read & sing “O Worship the King” (2)
Supplementary Bible reading: Matthew 26:1-4

Wednesday (6/16): Read & sing “Arise, My Soul, Arise” (305)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 20:1-9

Thursday (6/17): Read & sing Psalm 115
Supplementary Bible reading: Deuteronomy 21:22-23

Friday (6/18): Read & sing “Amazing Grace” (460)
Supplementary Bible reading: Leviticus 24:16

Saturday (6/19): Read & discuss John 19:6-8; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: John 10:22-42

Next Sunday: June 20, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon text: John 19:6-8
Sermon outline: “The King,” part 3
I. When the chief priests and officers saw Him… (6)
II. Pilate said to them… (6)
III. The Jews answered him… (7-8)
Music: Opening – “O Worship the King” (2)
Preparation – “Arise, My Soul, Arise” (305)
Response – Psalm 115
Closing – “Amazing Grace!” (460)
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism question #1
OT Reading: Psalm 45

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

__ Daniel 2
Father God, You are sovereign over both our waking and sleeping. You are aware of every detail of history and have a full understanding of all that is yet to come. This is not merely a knowledge of the future, for You have decreed all things that will come to pass. You are God, and there is no other. In various times and places You have chosen to reveal a small portion of Your great knowledge to Your servants the prophets. You gave them revelations in visions, events, and in words. You blessed them with a greater knowledge of who You are, and revealed deep and hidden things about the past, present, and future according to Your holy will. You never said more then You intended. You never spoke incorrectly. Your Word is perfect. You can make a slave the most important man in a mighty empire when You choose to reveal mysteries through a humble son of Adam. The truth that You speak through Your servants is various but it is also entirely unified. It tells us that You ordain the rising and falling of kings and kingdoms. Beyond all of the powers of men, and all of their authority, You have brought about the coming of the kingdom of Your Son. This kingdom shall never end. You inaugurated this new kingdom during the time of a very impressive empire among men. That empire is now long gone, but Your kingdom continues to this day. It is on the offensive through numerous struggles, and even the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. You are a Revealer of mysteries, now wonderfully contained in written revelation. Your Scripture is a living Word that daily brings the breath of life to Your people in Your church.

__ Psalm 115
Great God, we give You glory. There is no one like You. You do all that You please. The idols of the nations can do nothing. They are a dreadful snare to all who trust in them. Grant that we would trust You and follow You forever. We will fear You and serve You every day through Jesus Christ. Forgive our sins, and cause us to walk with a confident expectation of the coming resurrection.

__ Psalm 45
Great King, we thank You for the joy that we have in knowing You, for You are marvelous in all Your attributes and deeds. We are so greatly blessed to have such a wonderful Messiah. Your throne is forever. You are full of the Spirit of God beyond measure. We bow to You Lord, for we are Your holy bride. Though we are scattered throughout the world, we belong to You. You will gather us in Christ. You will make us fruitful, and we will praise You forever.