Monday, February 24, 2014

For March 2, 2014

Worship Next Sunday
March 2, 2014

Preaching: Pastor Nathan Snyder

Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:13-18

Sermon Title: Perseverance, Tough Love, and Empowering Grace

Opening hymn 166 Wondrous King, All-Glorious
Preparation hymn 727 Lead Me, Lord, Lead Me in Thy ...
Response hymn 493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought
Closing hymn 699 Like a River Glorious

Meditation on God's Law: The Eighth Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 27, Matthew 7

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Hebrews 5:8 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: Nehemiah 8 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: Nehemiah 9 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: Nehemiah 10 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 27 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Matthew 7 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: 2 Thessalonians 3:13-18 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

We Thank the Lord our God
Tune: Louisville, S.M.
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians

Verse 10 of 10

Stand firm in Jesus' Name

In every time and place.

Now may the Lord of heav'nly peace

Be with you by His grace—

Be with you by His grace.

Monday, February 17, 2014

For February 23, 2014

Worship Next Sunday
February 23, 2014

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12

Sermon Title: Confronting the Enemy Within

Opening hymn White 1 Give Praise to God
Preparation hymn 145 The Spirit Breathes upon the Word
Response hymn 644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior
Closing hymn 689 Be Still, My Soul

Meditation on God's Law: The Seventh Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 27, Matthew 6

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Hebrews 5:7 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: Nehemiah 5 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: Nehemiah 6 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: Nehemiah 7 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 27 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Matthew 6 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

We Thank the Lord our God
Tune: Louisville, S.M.
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians

Verse 9 of 10

An enemy within

Would like to see us fall.

Why should we follow empty words?

We'll answer when You call—

We'll answer when You call.

Monday, February 10, 2014

For February 16, 2014

Worship Next Sunday
February 16, 2014

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5

Sermon Title: An Urgent Word

Opening hymn 57 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul
Preparation hymn 303 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word
Response hymn 398 Christ, Whose Glory Fill the Skies
Closing hymn 309 Rejoice, the Lord is King

Meditation on God's Law: The Sixth Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 27, Matthew 5:17-48

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Hebrews 5:4-6 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: Nehemiah 3 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: Nehemiah 4 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: Nehemiah 5 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 27 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Matthew 5:17-48 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

We Thank the Lord our God
Tune: Louisville, S.M.
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians

Verse 8 of 10

We speak an urgent Word—

A Word from God Most High.

Though enemies would still our voice,

The Lord will hear our cry—

The Lord will hear our cry.

Monday, February 3, 2014

For February 9, 2014

Worship Next Sunday
February 9, 2014

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

Sermon Title: The Gift of a Settled Heart

Opening hymn 17 Praise the Lord: Ye Heavens Adore Him
Preparation hymn 141 God, in the Gospel of His Son
Response hymn 559 Father, I Know That All My Life
Closing hymn 642 Be Thou My Vision

Meditation on God's Law: The Fifth Commandment

Supporting Passages: Psalm 27, Matthew 5:1-16

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Hebrews 5:3 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: Ezra 10 (Daily Worship)

Tuesday: Nehemiah 1 (Daily Worship)

Wednesday: Nehemiah 2 (Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 27 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Matthew 5:1-16 (Next Sunday: Gospel)

Saturday: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

We Thank the Lord our God
Tune: Louisville, S.M.
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians

Verse 7 of 10

The chosen of our God

Will seek the living Lord.

Established in the life of love

They stand upon the Word—

They stand upon the Word.