Monday, October 29, 2012

For November 4, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
November 4, 2012

Preaching: Intern Nathan Snyder

Sermon Text: Romans 5:6-11

Sermon Title: Rejoicing in the God of Radical Love

Opening Hymn: 19 Thee We Adore, Eternal Lord!
Preparation Hymn: 662 As the Hart Longs for Flowing Streams
Response Hymn: 646 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Closing Hymn: 499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 63

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Acts 17:10-12 (This Morning's Passage)

Monday: Romans 5:6-11, Philemon 11 (Next Week, AM/PM)

Tuesday: Proverbs 17:17 (Evening Worship - OT)

Wednesday: 1 Peter 4:7-11 (Evening Worship - NT)

Thursday: Psalm 63 (Morning Worship - OT)

Friday: Exodus 20:8-11 (Morning Worship - Law)

Saturday: Romans 5, Philemon (Main Chapters, AM/PM)

Monday, October 22, 2012

For October 28, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
October 28, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Acts 17:10-12

Sermon Title: Bereans

Opening Hymn: 125 Let All Things Now Living
Preparation Hymn: 156 O Lord, How Shall I Meet You
Response Hymn: 166 Wondrous King All-Glorious
Closing Hymn: 598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Exodus 11

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Exodus 7, Acts 17:1-9

Monday: 1 Samuel 25, Acts 17:10-12

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 26

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 27

Thursday: Exodus 8

Friday: Exodus 9

Saturday: Exodus 10, Acts 17

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Exodus 11
Lord of Your People, bring the plagues of Your judgment to an end, lest everyone everywhere die. Speak a great Word of mercy over all the earth in the message of Your gospel. Turn the hearts of many to love You. Your only-begotten Son has died for our sins. He has become the Firstborn of the Resurrection. All men everywhere should hear Your Word of justice and mercy, repent of sin, and turn toward You. Help us, O God! Deliver us from the foolishness of our rebellion.

Acts 17
Lord God, Your message came first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles, yet Your truth is the same for all the people groups of the world, that Jesus is the Christ. Thank You for the grace of Your presence in trying times. Grant Your servants encouragement in all kinds of ministry situations. Teach them to do Your work with love and perseverance, trusting You in all times and places. The message of the truth may seem to be a foreign religious system to those who have never heard it. How are our ministers to know how to speak and what they are to say? Lead them in their teaching so that they can present the wonder of Your being and the grandeur and glory of Your works. Show them engaging truths all around them that will help in explaining the beauty of the gospel to those who are being saved.

Monday, October 15, 2012

For October 21, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
October 21, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Acts 17:1-9

Sermon Title: These Men Turned the World Upside Down

Opening Hymn: 9 All You That Fear Jehovah's Name
Preparation Hymn: 377 Jesus, Were'er Your People Meet
Response Hymn: 520 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
Closing Hymn: 461 Not What My Hands Have Done

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Exodus 7:1-13

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Exodus 3, Acts 16:16-40

Monday: 1 Samuel 22, Acts 17:1-9

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 23

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 24

Thursday: Exodus 4

Friday: Exodus 5

Saturday: Exodus 6, Acts 17

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Exodus 7
Lord Almighty, Your suffering people face great difficulties from the powers of this world. Defend Your children in the day of danger. Hear the bold challenges that Your enemies speak against You, and meet us now with power from heaven. We must obey Your word. We must worship You even when strong men would prohibit our devotion to You. Your ways are good and right. Thank you for the powerful blood of Your Son. Our atonement is not through the secret art of magicians, but through the death of Jesus Christ for sinners.

Acts 17
Lord God, Your message came first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles, yet Your truth is the same for all the people groups of the world, that Jesus is the Christ. Thank You for the grace of Your presence in trying times. Grant Your servants encouragement in all kinds of ministry situations. Teach them to do Your work with love and perseverance, trusting You in all times and places. The message of the truth may seem to be a foreign religious system to those who have never heard it. How are our ministers to know how to speak and what they are to say? Lead them in their teaching so that they can present the wonder of Your being and the grandeur and glory of Your works. Show them engaging truths all around them that will help in explaining the beauty of the gospel to those who are being saved.

Monday, October 8, 2012

For October 14, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
October 14, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Acts 16:16-40

Sermon Title: Servants of the Most High God

Opening hymn: Psalm 122
Preparation hymn: 378 Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face
Response hymn: 165 Ye Servants of God
Closing hymn: 355 We Are God's People

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Exodus 3

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Genesis 49, Acts 16:6-15

Monday: 1 Samuel 22, Acts 16:16-40

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 23

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 24

Thursday: Genesis 50

Friday: Exodus 1

Saturday: Exodus 2, Acts 16

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Exodus 3
Great God above all gods, You have sent Your angel to speak to Moses, yet Your voice came to Him out of a burning bush which was not consumed. He stood on holy ground and heard Your Word. You have surely seen the affliction of Your people. You Yourself are a strong deliverer. You bring us out of the land of sin, and lead us to our heavenly home. There is no man of power who can separate us from Your love. You are with us, and we shall serve You forever. O Great I Am, send us forth in the power of the everlasting Name. O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, gather Your people together to hear Your Word of salvation. We will obey You as You lead us forward out of the habits of slavish living. We are free men, who have been called to serve You in worship and love. You can give us favor in the sight of those who hate us, for Your love and power are enough for us.

Acts 16
Our Father, we thank You for the progress of Your church throughout the centuries. You have been pleased to bring spiritual growth through challenging providences. Thank You for Your wisdom and Your mercy. Strengthen us by faith. Help us to hear the call of those who have been granted a true thirst for the Word. Open the hearts of Your elect to not only believe but also to willingly suffer for the Name of Christ. Release many from distraction and oppression so that Your people can serve You with the freedom that comes through faith in Your Son. Thank You for the way that You work through Your suffering church to give a true testimony to the hope that we have in Christ. We believe in You and we believe in Your glorious Son. We have been saved by the blood of the Lamb, and we rejoice in the blessings that have come to us by grace. Teach us to make good use of our sufferings, knowing that even these are a gift from Your powerful hand. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

For October 7, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
October 7, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Acts 16:6-15

Sermon Title: Come Over and Help Us

Opening hymn: 80 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee
Preparation hymn: 334 Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Response hymn: 444 O Zion, Haste, Your Mission High Fullfilling
Closing hymn: 642 Be Thou My Vision

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Genesis 49:8-12, 22-26

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Genesis 45, Acts 16:1-5

Monday: 1 Samuel 19, Acts 16:6-15

Tuesday: 1 Samuel 20

Wednesday: 1 Samuel 21

Thursday: Genesis 46

Friday: Genesis 47

Saturday: Genesis 48, Acts 16

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

Genesis 49
O God Our Father, we gather at Your holy Word, and hear of what will happen to us in days to come. The Word for us in this life is one of suffering with ample opportunity for faithfulness, but there is a day beyond the challenges of this age. A Great Ruler is coming again, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Would we dare to challenge this great King, the Lord Jesus Christ? He shed His blood for us, and He is our undisputed Master. In Him now we have the hope of abiding in the most wonderful land. You, O Lord, shall judge the nations. We wait for Your salvation, O Lord. Though some within the church may prove unfaithful, and may be cut off from the people of Your choosing, our hope is in the Great Shepherd who keeps us. Your blessings are beyond our knowledge. Our life is secure in Your holy promises. Though our bodies may rest in the grave, we will live forever, and we will know Your fullest benediction.

Acts 16
Our Father, we thank You for the progress of Your church throughout the centuries. You have been pleased to bring spiritual growth through challenging providences. Thank You for Your wisdom and Your mercy. Strengthen us by faith. Help us to hear the call of those who have been granted a true thirst for the Word. Open the hearts of Your elect to not only believe but also to willingly suffer for the Name of Christ. Release many from distraction and oppression so that Your people can serve You with the freedom that comes through faith in Your Son. Thank You for the way that You work through Your suffering church to give a true testimony to the hope that we have in Christ. We believe in You and we believe in Your glorious Son. We have been saved by the blood of the Lamb, and we rejoice in the blessings that have come to us by grace. Teach us to make good use of our sufferings, knowing that even these are a gift from Your powerful hand.