Monday, February 27, 2012

For March 4, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
March 4, 2012

Preaching: Intern Nathan Snyder

Sermon text: 2 Samuel 6

Sermon title: “Worshiping our holy and good God”

Opening Hymn 9 All You That Fear Jehovah's Name
Preparation Hymn 377 Jesus Where'er Your People Meet
Response Hymn 358 For All the Saints
Closing Hymn 420 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

New Testament Passage: Hebrews 12:18-29

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: 2 Samuel 6

Tuesday: 1 Kings 20:1-21

Wednesday: 1 Kings 20:22-43

Thursday: Hebrews 12:18-29

Friday: Exodus 20:15

Saturday: 2 Samuel 6

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 20
Father God, will men of evil continue to disregard the true Word that comes from You? Yet even dangerous men within Your church encounter a day of fear when they face an enemy who seems stronger than they are. Will they turn to You in that day? If they do, will it be only for a moment so that they can turn back to their sin when they feel safe again? Lord, You are so merciful, and we are so quickly enticed into foolish works of unrighteousness. Grant to us hearts that are very willing to hear Your Word, not for a brief moment only, but forever and ever. You are the God of the hills and of the plains. There is no place in all of creation that is free from Your sovereign power. Even our spirits are within Your sure control. How wonderful are Your great purposes, O Lord! The history of Your saving work is moving forward in our times. Nations are hearing the Word of Christ, and light is coming to dark places. Even when we begin to celebrate the new progress of Your Word, the contest has just begun in that place. We foolishly make a covenant with evil, and forget that our warfare is not over until Your Son returns. Our great King Jesus will make a full end of the wicked when He comes to rescue the righteous.
2 Samuel 6
God of Glory, there are so many disappointments that we face in this age of difficulty, yet You also bring moments of glory to us at just the right time. Help those who are facing severe trials. Many are ready to give up. Teach us the importance of Your Word. We know that obedience to You is not simply a matter of good intentions. Have mercy on us, for we are very weak. We rejoice before You with all our might. Though we may be despised by others because of our devotion to You, we pray that our hearts will not be unduly moved by the insults of those who do not love You. Make us pure in heart, mind, and body. We have been chosen by You that we might rejoice before You always.
Hebrews 12
Lord God, if we follow in the way of faith, we must set aside the entanglements of sin by Your grace and look to Jesus Christ moment by moment. We are Your children. We are disciplined by You because we are loved by You. We trust that You are working out good things in us, that we might somehow share in Your holiness. We will not be discouraged today, because Your promises and love are secure in Christ. We turn away from all bitterness and immorality. We will be accepted in the Beloved One who is at Your right hand in the Zion that is above. We look to You, O God. We long to be in the company of men and angels in the presence of Jesus Christ. We absolutely will not refuse You. We are afraid to make such a bold pledge, but we are convinced that we must, and that Your strength is enough to help us in our obvious weakness. You are speaking to us clearly by Your Word. We will not refuse You. Give us more grace to keep our pledge. Forgive us again and again through Christ and restore us to Your fellowship when we foolishly wander away.

Monday, February 20, 2012

For February 26, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
February 26, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:31

Sermon title: “Meanwhile, the church multiplied...”

Opening Hymn 17 Praise the Lord: Ye Heavens Adore Him
Preparation Hymn 331 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening... 
Response Hymn 363 We Gather Together
Closing Hymn 1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 100

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:31

Tuesday: 1 Kings 19:1-8

Wednesday: 1 Kings 19:9-21

Thursday: Psalm 100

Friday: Exodus 20:14

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 19
Lord God, even after we win a great struggle by Your hand, when we awake in the morning we are still here in this wicked world. Dangerous enemies that face some setback regroup for yet another assault. Jezebels lose one day, and are thus enraged to perform greater works of evil the next. We must not live in fear of them. We are not alone. You are with us, and Your people are everywhere. You have reserved many thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal. You have work for us to do even today. Lead Your servants in a good direction, lest we waste our time in foolish pursuits. Help us to die to self, that we might live to Christ in the fullness of Your Word and Spirit.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Psalm 100
Father, the duty of worship is not only for Israel. All Your people throughout the earth should love and serve You. We thank You for Your steadfast love, secured for us in the life and death of Your Son.

Monday, February 13, 2012

For February 19, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
February 19, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:26-30

Sermon title: “But I thought that you were on our side!”

Opening Hymn 6 O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord
Preparation 163 At the Name of Jesus
Response 463 A Debtor to Mercy Alone
Closing 305 Arise, My Soul, Arise

Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 97

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:26-30

Tuesday: 1 Kings 18:1-16

Wednesday: 1 Kings 18:17-46

Thursday: Psalm 97

Friday: Exodus 20:13

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
1 Kings 18
Father, You bring rain upon the earth at just the right time. In the days of Elijah, you worked through Your servant to confront evil rulers. It is a frightening thing to face the sword of the civil government when it is in the hand of a perverse man. Even today Your servants throughout the world face great dangers from corrupt and incompetent governments. They are quick to call Your true servants troublemakers, when their own sins have brought trouble upon so many people. Worse than this, even those who claim to follow You have been led astray into horrible idolatry. You are the God who hears. You do not sleep. You are not impressed with desperate and idolatrous acts of humiliation aimed at forcing Your hand. The gods of the nations are nothing. They have no voice. They do not answer. They can do nothing. Grant Your wandering children wisdom in the day of a holy contest. Send fire from heaven that would touch our hearts and call us back to clear spiritual thinking. May we see Your hand and fall on our faces, for You, O Lord, are God. Answer us when we pray to You. Turn the hearts of Your people back to You, and glorify Your holy Name. The day of Your vengeance is surely coming. Our only hope is in Your Son Jesus. He is the true Man of God. His prayers are completely effectual, and He has prayed for us. Grant us sweet rain from heaven, that we might be refreshed in Your service in a day of intense struggle.
Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us. Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.
Psalm 97
Almighty Father, You rule over the earth. You are a mighty God. You should be feared by all men. All the earth should worship You. There is no god that men can make with their own hands. We have been made by You. We love You, O Lord. We turn away from evil. We rejoice in You.

Monday, February 6, 2012

For February 12, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
February 12, 2012

Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee

Sermon text: Acts 9:23-25

Sermon title: “The Jews, Saul, and his disciples”

Opening 57 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul
Preparation 94 How Firm a Foundation
Response 73 Am I a Soldier of the Cross
Closing 521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed

Old Testament Passage: Psalm 93

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: Acts 9:23-25

Tuesday: 1 Kings 17:1-14

Wednesday: 1 Kings 17:15-24

Thursday: Psalm 93

Friday: Exodus 20:12

Saturday: Acts 9

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 17
Great God and King, we thank You for the provision of prophets, men of God who spoke Your truth even in times of great danger. You supplied their needs and cared for them during times of suffering. You who rule over all Your creatures and all their actions, are still well able to help faithful servants of the truth. You who commanded the raven in the wilderness can use any means you should choose to answer the requests of Your servants. Through the Word of Your prophets You even withheld rain and provided food for your children, and even resurrection life. May we find new life through the preaching of Your Word by faithful men of God even today.

Acts 9
Glorious Lord, You can take a man who is breathing threats against You and Your people and make him into a great servant of the Word. Blessed be Your Name. You help such a man to see the truth that he once condemned. The power of Your gospel changes men, softening proud hearts, and making them willing to suffer for the Name that they hated. Remove from our eyes any remaining spiritual blindness. Help us to see even more clearly that Jesus is Your Son. He is the only Messiah, and this is clearly shown through even the Old Testament Scriptures. Grant that our ministers would preach boldly among men who may be seeking to kill us.  Grant us peace and joy in the comfort that comes from Your Truth and from the Holy Spirit. Make us know Your love for us so fully that we cannot help but be overflowing with good works. Remove far from us all ungodly hatred, self-centered distractions, and laziness. Take away all false excuses that we used in earlier days to reject so many great opportunities to serve You.

Psalm 93
Lord God, You rule over all. You are the Creator and Sustainer of the world. There are so many people on this earth, but You are far above the most powerful and numerous mobs of Your enemies. Your holiness will endure forever.

Friday, February 3, 2012

For February 5, 2012

Worship Next Sunday
February 5, 2012

Preaching: Intern Nathan Snyder

Sermon text: 2 Samuel 23:1-7

Sermon title: “The King Who Shines upon Us”

Opening hymn 12 Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim
Preparation 303 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word
Response 165 Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim
Closing 309 Rejoice, the Lord is King

Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism

New Testament Passage: Ephesians 5:1-14

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Review morning sermon (evening service @ 5pm)

Monday: 2 Samuel 23:1-7

Tuesday: 1 Kings 16:1-20

Wednesday: 1 Kings 16:21-34

Thursday: Ephesians 5:1-14

Friday: Exodus 20:8-11

Saturday: 2 Samuel 23

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

1 Kings 16
Sovereign Lord, Your works of providence for Your people over many generations are hard for us to understand. You are not the author of sin, yet You ordain all things that come to pass. You work through the means that You see fit to use, wisely governing and limiting evil, and working out Your good purposes. In the history of Your people we see our own depravity. Take away from us every impulse to evil conspiracies and murderous hatred. Purify our hearts and minds with the Spirit of Christ, or we will surely be overtaken by our own sin. Protect us also from wickedness all around us. Guide us into helpful, loving relationships, for we have seen in Your Word the evil that can come through marriage to one who is not true to You. Have mercy on us, O Lord, and forgive us.

2 Samuel 23
Glorious Lord, You have granted to us the Word of Your Anointed, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has given us good news and has filled us with Your Holy Spirit. He is our great Ruler and King. He is the Seed of the Woman, who has crushed the head of the serpent. In our Redeemer, we have been made as mighty men, for even the devil is to be crushed under our feet. You have granted to Your servants water from the well of eternal life. At the cost of Your Son’s blood, You have given us a spring of water that gushes up forever, a refreshing help for weary sinners. O Father, we long for the fulfillment of Your Son’s Kingdom. There remain enemies all around us, and we are weak and weary in our duties. Even when we read Your Word and worship You we feel the challenge of our flesh and our sin. Deliver us forever from this body of death, and bring us into a land of abiding strength.

Ephesians 5
Great God and Father, teach us to walk as we should, in a way that is proper for those who are to be holy in Christ. We turn away from all immorality and idolatry. Please help us to live as children of light. Teach us not to hide in the darkness just to win the approval of the world. Show us how to live as the light of Your Son, that the darkness would be exposed. Fill us with the Spirit, that we might worship You always with great thanksgiving and submission. Teach us how to live in our marriages as followers of Your Son. Help the wives in Your church to respect their husbands. Show our men how to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Grant to all of us a solid awareness of the pattern of life given to us in the cross of Your Son.