Sunday, July 25, 2010
For August 1, 2010
Monday (7/26): John 19:23-24
Tuesday (7/27): “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” (#1) [Psalm 100]
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 8:1-14
Wednesday (7/28): “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (#529)
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 8:15-27
Thursday (7/29): “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee” (#670)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 22
Friday (7/30): Psalm 117 #1 (Psalter)
Supplementary Bible reading: Exodus 20:7
Saturday (7/31): John 19
Next Sunday: August 1, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon text: John 19:23-24
Sermon title: “They Divided My Garments”
Music: Opening – “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” (#1)
Preparation – “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (#529)
Response – “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee” (#670)
Closing – Psalm 117 #1 (Psalter)
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism #1
OT Reading: Psalm 22
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
Daniel 8
God of Glory, You have given us hope in the midst of challenging days that so many face in this current evil age. We are often quite perplexed. We do not know how to interpret the events all around us. You surely are the sovereign Lord over all things. One great land reaches the end of its time. In its place comes a mighty empire that will exist for Your purposes. You rule over men and angels. You could lay out for us the future of all things from the current moment until the return of Your Son. Nonetheless it is not Your will that we should know all the details of Your future acts of providence. Such knowledge would be too much for us. Help us to rise up from our beds each morning and to be about the business of our great King Jesus Christ. We will do well to serve Him always, and to wait for His return with joy and expectation.
Psalm 117
God of all the earth, everyone everywhere should worship You. Use us as Your servants to extend the glory of Your Name to lands that have never heard of You. Bring the power of redemption through the blood of Your Son to every nation.
Psalm 22
Merciful God, Your Son was cut off for our transgressions. We trust in You. We will not be put to shame. Your Son suffered greatly from the hatred of men. They railed against Him without cause. They nailed Him to a cross. He faced death for our salvation. Yet He trusted in You to the end. You rescued Him. Now He has won for You the praise of the church. We cry out to Him for powerful help. We are not only saved; we are also satisfied. People from many nations shall serve You, even those who are long gone from the earth. All generations shall proclaim Your righteousness, even people not yet born. You have done everything for our salvation, and we will praise You forever.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
For July 25, 2010
Monday (7/19): John 19:16-22
Tuesday (7/20): “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven ” (76)
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 7:1-12
Wednesday (7/21): Psalm 24
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 7:13-28
Thursday (7/22): “Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended” (248)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 24
Friday (7/23): “O Zion, Haste, Your Mission High Fulfilling” (444)
Supplementary Bible reading: Exodus 20:4
Saturday (7/24): John 19
Next Sunday: July 25, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon text: John 19:16-22
Sermon title: “The King,” part 7
Music: Opening – “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven ” (76)
Preparation – Psalm 24
Response – “Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended” (248)
Closing – “O Zion, Haste, Your Mission High Fulfilling” (444)
Confession of Faith: Nicene Creed
OT Reading: Psalm 100
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
Daniel 7
Lord God, a day is coming that will signal the end of this current age and the beginning of the age to come. On that day Your Son will come on clouds of glory. Until then we will bring the message of Jesus Christ everywhere as You open doors for the gospel and give Your servants both desire and strength for the task ahead. Thank You for the great gift of Your Son. His Kingdom shall never be destroyed. We enjoy many blessings of the age to come even now, but we long for the revealing of the fullness of Your Son’s dominion. You have spoken to Your prophets about great things concerning men and nations. You also revealed to them good news about the coming of Your Son. He first came in humble service, but He shall return in judgment and glory. We believe Your Word, and we long for the appearing of Jesus Christ. Save us, O God!
Psalm 24
Great God of Our Salvation, You created the earth. You have loved righteousness. The Man You have chosen has made the way for us to be with You in heaven. The Lord Jesus is the King of Glory. He has entered the heavenly sanctuary, and we are united with Him forever.
Psalm 100
Father, the duty of worship is not only for Israel. All Your people throughout the earth should love and serve You. We thank You for Your steadfast love, secured for us in the life and death of Your Son.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
For July 18, 2010
Monday(7/12): Read & discuss John 19:14-16; read sermon outline
Tuesday(7/13): Read & sing “When Morning Gilds the Skies” (167)
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 6:1-18
Wednesday(7/14): Read and sing Psalm 123
Supplementary Bible reading: Daniel 6:19-28
Thursday(7/15): Read & sing “None Other Lamb, None Other Name” (157)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 23
Friday(7/16): Read & sing “Like a River Glorious” (699)
Supplementary Bible reading Exodus 20:1-3
Saturday(7/17): Read and discuss John 19:14-16 review sermon
Next Sunday: July 18, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon Text: John 19:14-16
Sermon outline: The King – Part 6
I. He said to the Jews... (14)
II. They cried out... (15)
III. So he delivered Him... (16)
Music: Opening-“When Morning Gilds the Skies” (167)
Preparation-Psalm 123
Response-“None Other Lamb, None Other Name”(157)
Closing-“Like a River Glorious”(699)
Confession of Faith: the Apostle’s Creed
OT Reading: Psalm 23
Suggested Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday’s worship)
Daniel 6
Father God, You place Your servants in all kinds of strategic positions in surprising places. May we be faithful in our time. In every opportunity for obedience, surely we should expect that opposition may arise. Keep us turning to You in prayer. May we be moved by what You want more than anything else in our lives. You are able to deliver us even from the dens of lions. You know our enemies, seen and unseen. You surely can send Your angel to shut the mouths of many lions. Pick us up out of dangerous snares of trial and temptation at just the right time. There is no other God like You. Why would we fear men and ignore You? Your kingdom shall never be destroyed. Your dominion is from everlasting to everlasting. Grant us success and joy in Your service now and forever.
Psalm 123
O God, we look to You. We need You day by day. There is no other place that we can go to for the mercy that we need. We need relief, O Lord. A proud foe is hard against us. We resist the devil and look to You for deliverance.
Psalm 23
Shepherd of Israel, You lead us and provide for us. Though death is near, You are nearer still. We trust You, for You fill us with Your Spirit. You have secured for us an eternal home in Your great house.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
For July 11, 2010
Sunday (7/4): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)
Monday (7/5): Read & discuss Psalm 46; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 27:1-14
Tuesday (7/6): Read & sing “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” (30)
Supplementary Bible reading: Isaiah 12:1-6
Wednesday (7/7): Read & sing Psalm 13
Supplementary Bible reading: Isaiah 66:7-14
Thursday (7/8): Read & sing “Glorious Things…” (345)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 2:1-12
Friday (7/9): Read & sing “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” (499)
Supplementary Bible reading: Micah 4:1-5
Saturday (7/10): Read & discuss Psalm 46; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Isaiah 2:12-19
Next Sunday: July 11, 2010
Preaching: Dr. Frank James
Sermon text: Psalm 46
Sermon outline: “Bridge over Troubled Water”
Music: Opening – “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” (30)
Preparation – Psalm 13
Response – “Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken” (345)
Closing – “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” (499)
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism question #1
NT Reading: Revelation 22:1-5
Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)
__ Daniel 5
O God, we have a better King than even the best rulers of the earth. Not every ruler on earth is one of the best among men. Some are exceedingly wicked, foolish, and oppressive. They come for a season and then they are gone. The time comes when they discover that their days are numbered. They learn that they have been found wanting, and their authority is taken from them. Father, how are we to submit to wicked kings? We know that we must worship You only. We cannot do those things that would be against Your commandments just to have peace with those who are powerful. We cannot avoid duties to You just to have safety among those who would demand our absolute devotion. Though these leaders may have the power to kill, they cannot cast us into hell. We will not fear them above You. Father, help us to be faithful stewards of any authority we have been granted during our brief lives. May we use what You have given us to honor You, for we know that we may be called to account for our lives even this very day.
__ Psalm 113
Lord God, You have blessed us in so many ways. We thank You sincerely. You are above all nations. There is no god like You. You saw us in our poverty and need. You met us in our barrenness. You have granted us godliness with contentment. You have promised us a future forever in Your Kingdom. We praise You.
__ Revelation 22
Our Father in Heaven, we long for You and for the place of Your glory. We rejoice in Your promises. Your Word is trustworthy and true. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. We wait in hope for the age of resurrection. Teach us to worship You day by day, for the time is near. Your Son is the Alpha and the Omega. Bring us into Your holy city through Him. He is the One Gate, the Son of David, the Bright Morningstar. Please do not cast us off forever! We are Your children! Come, Lord Jesus! Amen.