Sunday, April 25, 2010

For May 2, 2010

Sunday (4/25): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)

Monday (4/26): Read & discuss Hebrews 4:1-11; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Hebrews 3:7-19

Tuesday (4/27): Read & sing “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” (1)
Supplementary Bible reading: Hebrews 12:14-17

Wednesday (4/28): Read & sing Psalm 6
Supplementary Bible reading: Genesis 2:1-4

Thursday (4/29): Read & sing “My Hope Is Built…” (521)
Supplementary Bible reading: Psalm 95:1-11

Friday (4/30): Read & sing “Onward, Christian Soldiers” (572)
Supplementary Bible reading: Joshua 22:1-5

Saturday (5/1): Read & discuss Hebrews 4:1-11; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Matthew 11:25-30

Next Sunday: May 2, 2010
Preaching: Elder Matt Parks
Sermon text: Hebrews 4:1-11
Sermon outline: “A Sabbath Rest for the People of God”
I. Benefitting from good news (1-2)
II. Entering that rest (3-5)
III. Failing to enter (6-7)
IV. A Sabbath rest that remains (8-10)
V. Striving to enter that rest (v. 11)
Music: Opening – “All People That on Earth Do Dwell” (1)
Preparation – Psalm 6
Response – “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” (521)
Closing – “Onward, Christian Soldiers” (572)
Confession of Faith: the Nicene Creed
OT Reading: Genesis 1:1-2:4

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

__ Ezekiel 43
Glorious God, fill Your church with Your glory.  Here below we have a taste of Your greatness.  We are hungry for more of Your glory.  We long to be in that place where You will dwell with Your people forever.  No longer will our defiling sin give us trouble.  All of our evil will be utterly put away.  This is what we long for.  We are ashamed of our horrible iniquities.  Even before the return of Your Son, when our bodies rest in the grave, even then our sin will be utterly removed from our eternal souls.  Grant that our perfected spirits will one day be brought to dwell in our resurrected bodies forever.  May we enjoy Your temple forever in that day with purified spirits in resurrection splendor.  May we walk all around it, and contemplate the glory of it in all of its greatness.  Thank You for the blood of Your Son, by which we have been granted such a glorious expectation.  Surely our sin has been atoned for.  Send Your Son to us.  Fill the temple of Your living church even now, as we wait for the fulfillment of Your most excellent promises.  We are acceptable in the Beloved.  What a wonderful hope we have!

__ Psalm 96
Father God, we know that You are with us despite our troubled bodies and souls.  You will help us at just the right time.  You will take away our grief that seems to swallow us up in tears and clouds.  You hear us, O God.  Our enemies will suddenly be put to shame.

__ Genesis 1
Creator God, You have made all things of nothing.  You were in the beginning, and Your Spirit hovered over the face of the deep.  In the person of Your Son, You have spoken the world into being.  He is the Light of the World, and through Him Light was made.  Your Spirit is a fountain of living water for our souls, and by Your Spirit You created the waters and defined their boundaries.  You have given us the true Bread from heaven, our great Redeemer, and through Him You made all the vegetation that has covered the dry land.  Father, You ordained that the sun, moon, and stars would have dominion over light and darkness.  You have filled the waters above with the birds of the air and the waters below with the fish of the sea.  You have given us all kinds of creatures, covering the dry land with such a variety of living things.  O Marvelous Lord, You then created man, male and female, in Your image.  You have granted to us all that we need for life, and have placed us in dominion over all things in the created order.  Blessed be Your Name, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for You alone created the heavens and the earth.

__ Genesis 2
O Lord of the Sabbath, You rested on the day of Your choosing.  Grant that we might enter into Your holy rest through Jesus Christ.  He is the second Adam, through whom we have new life.  Our father, the first Adam, was granted life in a beautiful garden.  You warned him about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that he should not eat of it, lest he die.  You granted to him a helpmate from his own rib in the beautiful form of the very good gift of a woman.  She was a companion suitable for him, for she was like him but not like him; opposite him but not opposite him.  This great gift of women you have given us even now, together with all family blessings, for You know our every need and give wonderful gifts to Your children.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

For April 25, 2010

Sunday (4/18): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)

Monday (4/19): Read & discuss John 18:1-11; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: John 18:12-40

Tuesday (4/20): Read & sing “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” (38)
Supplementary Bible reading: Luke 22:39-53

Wednesday (4/21): Read & sing “O Father, You Are Sovereign” (75)
Supplementary Bible reading: John 8:48-59

Thursday (4/22): Read & sing Psalm 99
Supplementary Bible reading: John 17:9-12

Friday (4/23): Read & sing “Let All Things Now Living” (125)
Supplementary Bible reading: Isaiah 51:1-23

Saturday (4/24): Read & discuss John 18:1-11; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Jeremiah 25:15-38

Next Sunday: April 25, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon text: John 18:1-11
Sermon outline: “The Cup”
I. Now Judas (1-3)
II. Jesus knowing… (4-9)
III. Then Simon Peter (10-11)
Music: Opening – “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” (38)
Preparation – “O Father, Your Are Sovereign” (75)
Response – Psalm 99
Closing – “Let All Things Now Living” (125)
Confession of Faith: the Apostle’s Creed
OT Reading: Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

__ Ezekiel 42
O God in Heaven, when we are brought to Your temple above, where will we will live, and how will we serve You there?  We know that we will be as priests forever.  Even now we are among the priesthood of all who believe.  What will it be like for us to be in the secure company of holy men and angels forever?  In Your house above there are many mansions.  Each chamber in Your temple must be like a mansion in its holiness and glory.  We look forward to the provision of holy garments for our life above.  Even now we have been clothed with the garments of the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ.  How could there be any better clothing for us?  Yet our perfect garments above will be visible.  What a glorious thought!

__ Psalm 99
Lord Almighty, You are High and lifted up.  You love justice.  We should worship You always.  You have raised up men to worship You in days gone by.  You are alive today, and You are holy forever.

__ Isaiah 52
Come in strength, O God, in the garments of Your power.  We were sold for nothing, but we have been redeemed through the precious blood of the Lamb.  Speak in the voice of Your gospel herald soon.  Let the weary come again to Zion, that we might sing to our God.  Your arm is strong.  Show us Your salvation.  Release us from the filthy chains of wickedness and be our God.  Thank You for Your amazing Servant.  He is our strength.

__ Isaiah 53
O Lord, so many have ignored the truth of Your grace.  So many were offended by the lowliness of our holy King.  How is it that men would dare to despise Jesus, who was wounded for our transgressions?  Thank You for this great truth: that the Shepherd died for the sheep.  The One who was oppressed and afflicted in silence, now lives forever in the strength of resurrection power.  When He is seen again, every knee shall bow before Him who was an offering for sin.  He has justified many by His knowledge.  He has carried our guilt.  Through the strength of His death, and through His intercession for us, we have been saved.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

For April 18, 2010

Sunday (4/11): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)

Monday (4/12): Read & discuss Hebrews 3:14-19; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Hebrews 3:1-13

Tuesday (4/13): Read & sing “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (162)
Supplementary Bible reading: Amos 4:6-13

Wednesday (4/14): Read & sing “Let All Mortal Flesh…” (193)
Supplementary Bible reading: Numbers 14:1-38

Thursday (4/15): Read & sing Psalm 92
Supplementary Bible reading: Joshua 14:6-15

Friday (4/16): Read & sing “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (164)
Supplementary Bible reading: Romans 13:8-14

Saturday (4/17): Read & discuss Hebrews 3:14-19; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: Hebrews 4:1-13

Next Sunday: April 18, 2010
Preaching: Elder Matt Parks
Sermon text: Hebrews 3:14-19
Sermon outline: “Firm to the End”
I. Firm to the end (14)
II. Rebelling against the Word (15-16)
III. The price of rebellion (17-18)
IV. Unbelief (19)
Music: Opening – “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” (162)
Preparation – “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” (193)
Response – Psalm 92
Closing – “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (164)
Confession of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism, question 1
OT Reading: Numbers 14:1-38
NT Reflection: Romans 13:8-14

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

__ Ezekiel 41
Father God, we want to worship You forever and ever. How can we dwell with You? We will have to be changed in our deepest nature. All sin will be utterly removed from us. We will be in the Holy Place in Your great habitation. Yes, we will be even in the Most Holy Place. We will see the wonderful dimensions of it. All the sins of our old hearts that distract us now in public worship and private devotion will be completely removed from us. All the clamor of human weakness and sin will be far from that place of glory. Let us walk around Your temple above, like Your prophet of old. He had such an experience, walking through the most excellent creation with an angelic guide. There we would see things that we have never seen before. How would we ever describe it? Yet, we want something even more than the prophet experienced during His visit. We want to be there with all the inhabitants of Your temple forever. We want to experience that glory without any concern that our joy will ever be taken away. Grant this, together with the forgiveness of our sins.

__ Psalm 92
Our Father, what a joy it is to praise You! You have done great things. Your thoughts are deep and wonderful. You are far above all idols. You have blessed us in great ways. You have planted us in Your kingdom and we are growing in Your righteous love.

__ Numbers 14
Our Father, we have sinned against You. We have refused Your clear direction. We have a continuing need for further repentance. Will we now return to the world, spurning the gift of the kingdom? We will not rebel against You, O Lord. You will move us forward in holy obedience. You will glorify Your servants. How we long for that day! You have directed us and have given us strength from on high. We are on the path that You have granted to us. Please continue to pardon us according to the greatness of Your steadfast love. Please do even more than this. Be with us. Have mercy on our children, that our rebellion and sin will not be passed on to our young ones. Show us the way to go. Grant to us godly men and women that will be good examples for us of courage and faithfulness. Though You discipline us, grant us a measure of assurance that nothing can overturn Your eternal promises. We do not want to be presumptuous in our service of You. We do not want to make up challenges for ourselves, as if we knew the beginning from the end. You must lead us in the way to go.

__ Romans 13
Father God, thank You for the gift of civil authority structures that You have appointed in this world. Use them for Your good purposes in the restraint of evil and for the encouragement of good. May we rightly honor them, and joyfully follow them. We would cooperate with them as conscience permits, but may we not be distracted from seeking first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. Teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. Grant us the incomparable blessing of the Spirit of Christ in us, that we would make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires. In all these ways may we relate honorably with all those around us.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

For April 11, 2010

Sunday (4/4): review morning sermon (evening service @ 5:00 p.m.)

Monday (4/5): Read & discuss John 17:26b; read sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: John 17:6-26

Tuesday (4/6): Read & sing “All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above” (4)
Supplementary Bible reading: John 5:19-29

Wednesday (4/7): Read & sing Psalm 81
Supplementary Bible reading: John 10:17-18

Thursday (4/8): Read & sing “Be Thou My Vision” (642)
Supplementary Bible reading: 1 John 3:1-2

Friday (4/9): Read & sing “Lead On, O King Eternal” (580)
Supplementary Bible reading: Colossians 1:24-29

Saturday (4/10): Read & discuss John 17:26b; rev. sermon outline
Supplementary Bible reading: John 14:18-24

Next Sunday: April 11, 2010
Preaching: Pastor Steve Magee
Sermon text: John 17:26b
Sermon outline: “God’s love in us and God in us”
I. The Love of God for Jesus
II. THAT love in you
III. Jesus in you
Music: Opening – “All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above” (4)
Preparation – Psalm 81
Response – “Be Thou My Vision”
Closing – “Lead On, O King Eternal” (580)
Confession of Faith: the Nicene Creed
OT Reading: Genesis 22:1-19
NT Reflection: Hebrews 11:17-19

Suggested Bible Study and Prayers
(Passages that we will refer to in next Sunday's worship)

__ Exekiel 40
O Lord God, bring us to Your resurrection temple.  Grant that we will be able to walk all around its courts.  Bring us into the company of angels and holy men.  What a great blessing to be in Your house!  Let us see the gates of Your wonderful land.  Cause us to walk through all the great rooms, and to see the wonder of everything in Your holy place.  What must it be like to be in a place of such wonder, that the finest joys of earth would seem like nothing compared to the glory of even the pavement for the feet of men and angels?  We long to walk on the steps in that place.  We want to see it from every direction, and to explore it all from every vantage point.  How we praise You, O Lord!  What a joy it will be to be in the place won for us through the blood and righteousness of Christ.  We think of the pain of Your Son as He longed to return to such a great place of glory.  He faced the faithlessness of men here below everywhere He went.  Everything here had the imprint of sin and misery on it. Yet He came and gave His life as the perfect whole burnt offering.  There was nothing missing in the fullness of His life.  He obeyed You perfectly with such an unusual combination of holiness and modesty.  In His death He became the perfect sin offering for us.  He is our great High Priest forever.  Now He lives forever in the holy place above.  We are overcome by the glory of this thought: We will be with Him one day, and we will see Him as He is!

__ Psalm 81
Great God, we should praise You with fullness of joy and expectation.  You have redeemed us out of the greatest distress.  We should listen to You completely.  Why should there be strange gods among us?  Why do we not follow Your commandments?  You have great blessings planned for us, even through times of trouble.  Will we still continue to deny You?
__ Genesis 22
Lord God, You tested Abraham.  You gave him a child.  That child was Yours, just as Abraham was Yours.  You asked Him to sacrifice his only son, this child of the promise, Isaac.  He reasoned that You would provide a substitute for his son, and that You could raise the dead.  You held him back from slaughtering the boy, yet he proved that he feared You and loved You above all.  May we also fear You, and entrust our children to You.  For Your Son is the great provision for our salvation.  He has taken our place and faced Your wrath, and He has surely risen from the dead.  In Him the earth shall be blessed.  In Him we have a perfect hope. 

__ Hebrews 11
Sovereign Lord, what does it mean for us to live by faith?  How can we live based on those things that are unseen?  Convince our hearts about the reality of Your existence and the certainty of all Your great promises.  Thank You for the people of faith that You have given to us in the history of salvation.  We look forward to the city that You have promised.  We live our lives here as those who are yet away from home.  We will not be satisfied with any country here below.  We want our homeland, for we are Your people.  Help us to speak words of blessing to others based on the faith that we have in the truth that You have announced in Your Word.  Make us willing to even suffer now, for we look for the reward that will be revealed at just the right time.  Our lives ahead of us here below are largely unknown to us.  We trust You through it all.  We look to the day of certainty beyond this age of questioning.  You will reveal the sons of God at just the right time as You have promised.  Until that new day dawns, we will live by faith.