Sunday, December 29, 2019

For January 5, 2020

Worship Next Sunday
January 5, 2019

Preaching: Stephen Magee

Sermon Text: Mark 12:18-27

Sermon Title: Is Resurrection Real?

Opening Hymn: (#220) Give Praise to God
Preparation Hymn (#271) Blessed Jesus, at Your Word
Response Hymn: (#435) Not What My Hands Have Done
Closing Hymn: (#485) Like a River Glorious

Meditation on God's Law: Follow Me

OT/NT Passages: Psalm 121, Romans 14:1-12

Preparation Guide

Sunday: Psalm 119:120 (Tonight: Main Text)

Monday: (NO Daily Worship)

Tuesday: (NO Daily Worship)

Wednesday: (NO Daily Worship)

Thursday: Psalm 121 (Next Sunday: OT Reading)

Friday: Romans 14:1-12 (Next Sunday: NT Reading)

Saturday: Mark 12:18-27 (Next Sunday: Main Text)

Meditating on the Scriptures Together

Morning: Mark 12:18-27

[18] And Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection. And they asked him a question, saying, [19] “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife, but leaves no child, the man must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. [20] There were seven brothers; the first took a wife, and when he died left no offspring. [21] And the second took her, and died, leaving no offspring. And the third likewise. [22] And the seven left no offspring. Last of all the woman also died. [23] In the resurrection, when they rise again, whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife.”

[24] Jesus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God? [25] For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. [26] And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? [27] He is not God of the dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong.”

Evening: Psalm 121
My Help Comes from the Lord